Letter to the Board of Supervisors 1/22/97

All Board Members

Santa Barbara Board of Supervisors

C.O. Clerk of the Board

County Administration Building

105 E. Anapamu Street

Santa Barbara CA. 93101



Honored Supervisors of Santa Barbara Co.,

This letter is an attempt to prepare you for an understanding of what has been happening for a long time in Santa Barbara County. Please work to understand and accept a phenomena which may seem incredible at first. Hopefully, eventually everyone will understand and accept, however, as leaders of this community your early understanding in this process is most important. I have been instructed to approach you in the hope of raising the local consciousness and create more positive impacts for the profound, esoteric, truth of the Indigenous people of this area as it becomes public this year. With your understanding, what is about to happen can have much greater benefits to the people of Santa Barbara County and remedy many problems for your offices.

I am going to be sharing an aspect of Native Medicine which may be strange and new to you. The Coastal band of the Chumash people has had a very difficult past due to a historic inability of the local municipal entities to accept the validity of the knowledge the Medicine people carry. Their knowledge is related to the traditional oral histories they have carried for many centuries. The oral histories they maintain are made possible by very deep hypnotic trances which the local Medicine people have been masters at the induction of for thousands of years. The Winter Solstice sunrise allows chronological coordination of the biological clock in the subconscious mind within a trance to achieve the accurate temporal structuring and keeping of oral histories. The trances and their purposes are the most sacred thing known to these people. The purpose of the Medicine people is to protect love and life. They hope to serve that purpose more directly or openly in the future.

These particular hypnotic trances are also used by the Medicine people for a wide variety of other applications which has made them a large part of peoples lives in the Native community. Included in those applications is a considerable amount of physiological medicine by effective control of autonomic functions located in the subconscious mind. Pain control, dynamic or profound psychological influence on willing subjects is very easy to achieve. Modern psychology is relatively unaware of these ancient types of very deep trances.

The difficult past of the local Medicine people stems from a conflict dating back to 1851 concerning the Haley survey of the city of Santa Barbara. The Natives had a very deep subconscious desire to see the prolonged centerline of Anapamu street point exactly to the center of their Winter Solstice shrine. There was little which was rational about this desire as it came from their subconscious minds and spiritual need to create change.

The City wouldn't allow it and Salisbury Haley wouldn't do it, so his survey was sabotaged in anger by the Natives. This created many legal problems for the City who sought revenge by persecuting the Chumash Medicine people, or the antap, the spiritual elite, by killing many. The Medicine people knew then that it wasn't the shrine, it was their knowledge that no one wanted to believe. They, and their ancient powerful knowledge were rejected violently in fear or denial.

Over time the Shaman learned the language and psychology of the many White people who had moved into the area. After a decade or so the skills of the Medicine people were prepared to interact with the Anglo American subconscious mind. Their plan was to hypnotically trance a large number of people, then give them instructions to make them appear to be insane. The Medicine community felt this action would prove the validity of their knowledge and skill.

To convince the culture and individuals in local government of what they could do, the Medicine people demonstrated their abilities by hypnotizing at least two hundred local Anglo persons who were then committed through official commitment proceedings. The result of this was an accelerated killing of Natives. In 1875 an effort was made to eliminate the sophisticated "antap" completely. Torture was unsuccessfully applied to captured "antap" in an attempts to force them to reveal information involving other Medicine people.

It was a war fought with bullets and hypnosis that lasted nearly ten years. The victims of the hypnosis were quietly hospitalized while their stories were kept out of the papers. The District Court records of the "civil commitment proceedings" were separated from the bulk of the District court cases and the matter was effectively forgotten.

The Natives sacred knowledge is proven in function through the creation of oral histories more dynamic than most on planet Earth, but the proof was ignored.

After surviving the manhunts the Natives worked to find an effective way to survive so they might later share the knowledge and again serve their purpose of protecting love and life .

Motivated by mortal fear to protect themselves, the Medicine peoples then used their mastery of their trances to alter their own peoples conscious awareness of their sacred abilities to make the awareness exclusively subconscious amongst themselves.

Their knowledge and skill are so potent that they now find themselves trapped in the subconscious and unable to share consciously with any other than their own the truth of their abilities or the past. Communications amongst themselves concerning the past and their skills have been exclusively subconscious for approximately 120 years. This is the reason they made me one of them in ceremony as child then involved me in a subconscious plan to help them later in life to become conscious and share what they know with the people who live on their ancestral lands today.

In the hope of gaining control over my life I have searched out the written records of the past as I was instructed by a Medicine man I have known most of my life. After finding that nearly 260 case files of the District court from 1875 forward to possibly 1896 are missing from the Superior court records concerning "Insanity Actions", I realized that everything the Medicine man told me is true and the taking of their past is what the Natives are angry about. This is why they have taken my past. They have asked me to bring an awareness of their knowledge, and the truth of the past that their oral histories carry, to your attention in the hope that you will assist me in helping them in sharing the dynamics of the truth of their past needed to have a meaningful official understanding of their use of me.

The written past has been altered, as a result, my well being has been seriously compromised in numerous ways. As a child I was hypnotically influenced by these sophisticated Medicine people, in the interest of their purposes, without my parents permission because there was no awareness or understanding of the local peoples abilities and their difficult past. It will take compassion on your part to understand the task I have been given and assist meaningfully as I am forced to work to verify my past as well as the past of the Natives. Please try to understand what I am saying is fact and that these people are in a strange anguish that has them re-knowing a pain of a betrayal which is nearly as deep as can be imagined.

They live dual lives, one which is conscious like everybody else and one which exists alongside their past in their subconscious minds, the same place where their oral histories reside, the place where they hid from the torture. The conscious part is not allowed to be aware of what is going on in the subconscious to protect the purpose. I lived a dual life with them and didn't know it until 3/21/96, when they shocked me with abuse and post hypnotically instructed me to become conscious of my past.

Monumental irony holds them in their collective trance of secrecy. Part of the irony can be understood by knowing that their purpose is also the true spiritual purpose of America.

The Medicine peoples understanding of the greater meaning of America is easily known by understanding the greater function of the first amendment right of free speech from the ancient perspective.

"Through free speech a sharing is empowered, through sharing an understanding can be found, from an understanding can come acceptance, creating respect then friendship or love."

This protects love and life, the greater meaning of America.

In summary, the irony is added to by knowing that the Natives who had always lived here were nearly destroyed by Americans who didn't understand and accept the meaning of America or its proof which the Natives could provide from thousands of years of keeping oral histories.

The subconscious motives of a bearer of an oral history for carrying the MOST detailed and durable verbal record are ALWAYS to protect love and life.

Now it appears that the oral histories the Natives keep are working while the written record of society is not. From the Native perspective this is an insult to injury without spiritual equal, deep irony. As a form of psychological sacrifice I've suffered from their anguish at knowing how, or why, their ancestors were killed and the truth of their knowledge denied.

The Native management of this plan and use of me to help them consciously surface in our modern culture has been done completely within their subconscious communications. The subconscious mind has very limited potential for cognitive, rationale, differential thought, it is a powerful but primitive state. Think of the book, "The Lord of the Flies." A mob of children reacting with primal emotions. Although the Medicine people have great compassion, in some ways, their use of me resembles this kind of situation. There is another consideration, as economic conditions worsen, elements of our culture slowly approach that same subconscious mob state. As this happens the depth of the trance the Medicine people can create in a subject increases and it becomes easier to script peoples subconscious activities. Exploiting the fears, wants, desires and needs of subjects procures their cooperation within elaborate scenarios which have been demonstrated to me over the last few years.

These sophisticated Medicine people wielding naturally correct knowledge within these very deep trances are trapped in a subconscious state with their awareness of who they are, who they were and what they know. In the present, the devotion to the protection of "love and life" keeps them precariously balanced in that purpose as a community. The inability of the Medicine people to control abuses of the sacred knowledge has created some problems, while the integrity of their purpose generally keeps them serving the long term good of all, however inefficiently.

This is not good for the long term of the people of Santa Barbara or the Native community. The ancient issues are never resolved because of the lack of rational, conscious handling of the problems of the past. Closure and acceptance are not created to consciously relieve subconscious anxiety, fear, grief and confusion reaching over 100 years into the past. The secret of the trance they can create and use keeps itself too well and it doesn't serve well. What has happened to me is the result of their past being denied and their sacred purpose needing to be served in the protection of love and life. They need to become conscious of their past and their secret, they need to be understood in this world in order to serve it.

Very little of the rationale or logic that is normally, consciously applied to human actions has been utilized in this plan for becoming publicly conscious. This is the reason for the seemingly nonsensical approach of sending a single non-native person to communicate with community leaders. The only proof they have given me to help me convince you that these things are factual is specialized knowledge and photos of two of their Winter Solstice shrines which are completely unknown to local archeologists or anthropologists. The reason these professionals have not been informed of these shrines is that this information is presently ONLY shared in a subconscious state. Their last attempt to share in this way with modern professionals was through the anthropologist Travis Hudson. When he became consciously aware of what and how he had learned, it was psychologically too much for him in his life so he ended it.

These trances can be effectively induced and the subjects memory instructed to consciously forget the encounter with the hypnotist in such a way to make the conscious recall of events impossible without special treatment. This is the ancient skill of creating oral histories developed to a state which can be termed "mind control". There are presently perhaps hundreds of people in the county that have been effected in this way.

This control of memory is achieved by the modification of an ancient method of protecting the conscious mind of a bearer of an oral history from painful or disturbing truths with the creation of what is called "deep memory". Deep memory in many instances within my experience has been modified for use for other purposes and can be used for an entirely new and very effective form of post hypnotic treatment for psychologists. The many people effected by this technique of this County are going to need help to become conscious and unburdened of what has been hidden in their subconscious minds.

To fear these Medicine people and their knowledge is to ultimately deny our purpose and values as human beings. To understand the ancient knowledge is to work towards serving unconditional love or life in the future by learning how ancient evolution was done then accepting the possibility of working directly with the subconscious mind to achieve functional change today.

The "antap" have been coordinating this approach to the public with me as the spokesman for many years. The knowledge I carry was given in lieu of an oral history. It concerns details of the understanding of oral histories, the subconscious mind and deep trance states. I was also taught about the past of the Chumash people of the Coastal band so I could efficiently find the significant remains of the written record concerning the difficult past they have.

The Medicine people have been unable to share their past, their abilities, these sacred places or their purposes with any other than their own people for a very long time. This is why they made me one of them in ceremony at the age of five, so I would understand, so they could trust me to share the truth and communicate or undo the secrecy which binds them with their past in dysfunction. Their knowledge is a beautiful gift and they desperately want to let it serve but they cannot bring themselves to consciously to talk about it with you or anyone else at this time. It is possible that I could speak for them, with them in attendance to verify with a simple affirmations, my words.

I do not expect many to be able to believe fully in what I say. The Medicine people have taught me about what they have done to my mind so that I would be able to obtain concrete proof and foster an environment needed for them as a people to effectively leave the bonds of their past.

It will take vision to imagine the benefits which can come to contemporary culture using the ancient knowledge these people offer.

As a child I was chosen for the task of sharing the truth of who they are because of an agreement I made with the Medicine community while deep in a hypnotic trance. I may seem as unlikely as a person to be trying to do what they have sent me to do as I can imagine, but what I share with you is true and I have the knowledge to prove it. For them to end their lifelong hypnotic control of me and force me to consciousness with an awareness of what and how they have taught me, it was necessary to abuse me dynamically with their hypnosis.

Adding the effect of "abuse awareness", to a sudden consciousness of a lifetime of hypnotic manipulation (memory control) of self or others, it becomes possible to begin to perceive what I and others have endured in service to the purposes of the Medicine community. As a child of five, I accepted their plan, subconsciously, to protect and love my children of the future, by working with them throughout my life to prove (again?) what they can do.

This is what happens when the truth of the past is not preserved; it repeats itself and people suffer needlessly (again).

The abuse also leaves me economically unable to assemble the necessary team of professionals to obtain the proof you will need to believe in what I try to communicate to you.

My future and that of these good people may depend on your ability to trust my words, and the elements of rational proof I can produce for you and invest a relatively small amount of County funds in helping me to procure the ABSOLUTE proof, of these sophisticated but tormented peoples abilities, that you will need to create the best environment of acceptance possible for them to share who they really are or what they can do.

If the County of Santa Barbara is unable to take my request seriously, the past that the Native Medicine people have created for me will be something which I will be unable to prove to anyone and my life will continue to be tormented in a way which cannot be adequately described. The Medicine people will know that once again their efforts to be understood are being denied which will make it all that much more difficult for them to ever surface in the public eye with the truth of their abilities and past. The many local residents who have been influenced will continue to experience loss of control in their lives.

At this time compassion is what is needed from you, the leaders of this community, so that the Native people and myself can recover our past with dignity then contribute to this society. For this reason I appeal to the County supervisors for assistance in documenting adequately, for the public protection and interest, what has been done to me. This is an action which can supplant in function for the present and the future, the loss of legal precedent and cultural understanding represented by the missing case files of the District Court.

Allow me to share with you a slide show which consists of a Winter Solstice sunrise at a local shrine which is called "The Grandmother". The natural stone features create, with a huge solar alignment instrument, celestial interplay and great Earthly beauty. I have prepared a lecture concerning hypnotic technique, tradition of keeping verbal history, Winter Solstice and deep trance states to accompany the related slides of the sunrise. Slides of the Winter Solstice shrine called "Anapamu" create a vivid story which give substance to the documents and analysis of the past included in this communication.

Please contact me to arrange a time for this and discussion concerning what can be done to involve the County of Santa Barbara in a majestic understanding of the subconscious human mind held by a good and truly beautiful people.

Thank you sincerely.

Christopher A. Brown


Aspects of this letter are not accurate because my education through the meshing of the information in my oral history of Santa Barbara and the process of exposing this coverup were not complete. Generally it is mostly accurate.


Federal Complaint 99-11189


TIMELINE #226736