Letters to Santa Barbara County Probation Department.

This letter has received no response!

This first letter was amongst the batch sent to all concerned county departments as well as the county schools.

Probation Department

Sue Gionfrido

117 East Carrillo Street

Santa Barbara CA. 93101


RE; Hypnotic manipulation of Santa Barbara County residents.

Dear Sue Gionfrido,

This letter is to inform you of an event compromising peoples abilities to cope with emotions or mental conditions of great stress perhaps creating extreme actions by probationers. A sensitive cultural issue is about to become a demonstration of the effectiveness of ancient knowledge about the human subconscious mind. More specifically, hypnosis used by Native American Medicine people. Please read the included information titled, "Understanding the Native American Medicine Person".

Due to the secreting and destruction of Court records here in Santa Barbara no clinical recognition exists for the Medicine peoples abilities. This eliminates detection or accurate mental evaluation of individuals who act unknowingly on post hypnotic suggestion. Numerous attempts (beginning 1/22/97) to dialogue with the County Supervisors and the director of Mental health have failed to produce any interest in protecting residents or a willingness to examine meaningfully the considerable supporting physical evidence given to me by Medicine people to define what happened here 120 years ago.

Societal responsibility in the ancient Native perspective includes the creation of an official understanding from the courts documenting the psychological impacts possible through the use of hypnosis. This is at the core of a secret, historical conflict between the County of Santa Barbara and Native Medicine people. I ask you to work to understand the essence of what is possible in order to prevent any further tragedy. Prevention will take a number of individuals who actually understand what I claim is happening to act effectively. Those people can only become aware of the possibilities independent of special interests, the County of Santa Barbara. Unfortunately the Medicine people were unable to accept the spirituality of the anthropology department at UCSB or their attitudes about hypnosis so they chose me to understand them and prepare this community. I act alone with evidence. Understanding is difficult but necessary to support your employer in assuming potential liability or protecting the well being of County residents.

I speak to you from personal experience of many years with hypnotic trances induced by Chumash Medicine people (recently discovered due to memory control) and say to you that these Medicine people practice this potent knowledge of hypnosis compulsively, instructing subjects who are in a cataleptic trance and tell them not to do things, like smoke, drink, use drugs etc. etc. etc. They are trying to help, instead their actions are devastating peoples lives which is not in the nature of Medicine people. They want to stop but cannot control themselves if they are not aware of what they are doing. Consider what could happen if they worked to hurt the people they controlled. Consult with a competent, independent, psychologist possessing some knowledge of hypnotism and Indigenous people, show them this material.

I pray we are not confronted with a catch-22 in that the education of the professional is based in accepted possibilities. When hundreds of court case files are missing from 120 years ago and fearful Natives use memory control to remove awareness of an activity that was minimally conscious even in the far past (nature of recall of trance experience) to protect themselves, a great deal of ignorance can be achieved. This severely limits the perception of what is accepted as possible and the education of the professional.

This communication I make to you is intended to gain your help in influencing Santa Barbara County to be responsible in addressing this issue. The least this communication can do is prepare you in some way for the impact and scale of a repeat demonstration of hypnosis which has been planned to force the people of this community to demand understanding if the truth cannot be found in court by my efforts.

Evidence in my possession provides proof that a mass insanity occurred in Santa Barbara County in 1876 (up to 1500 people over 10 years). It was an attempt by Native American Medicine people to create an official understanding of their religion of hypnosis practiced on others without the subjects conscious awareness.

After the mass insanity began in 1876, massacres and tortures authorized by Santa Barbara County targeting the Medicine community caused the Medicine people, for the purpose of preserving their knowledge, to use their skills of memory control to remove their conscious awareness of their religious practices of Winter Solstice, oral histories, and the knowledge of hypnosis. Paradoxical, possible and true. Today all of their sacred knowledge is still practiced but done so by compulsion from the subconscious without the benefit of rational, cognitive thought. For this reason people (children) who are not tribal are involved sometimes harmed unintentionally and altered or controlled for life in their psychology by the hypnotic instructions applied to their subconscious minds. These are the people who will be influenced in the planned future event.

Fear from guilt and the resulting liability the County of Santa Barbara holds for a failure to preserve public records is the reason the Supervisors will not communicate with me. It is also the reason the County council contends my civil complaint of negligence filed against the County of Santa Barbara was untimely and failed to state a cause of action. Superior Court case #220298 is timely and states a cause of action. The influence I ask you to apply to Santa Barbara County is a request that the County face the truth responsibly, to cease in the use of county powers to manipulate general law in the degradation of the function of the courts and civil code.

No amount of fear of liability can justify denial of knowledge so capable in the creation of mental or emotional torment, violence, loss of life or property and fundamental chaos. Knowledge if consciously used possesses potential of profound benefit to all people by working directly with the subconscious mind. My litigation is intended to protect the public permanently through the findings of truth in court that may help key members of the medicine community to consciousness by dissolving a gigantic stigma. A stigma created by hypnotic reinforcement of mortal fear, grief and anger over generations for at least a century.

Hopefully your understanding of the Medicine persons true purpose, the protection of love and life, will help you to find the compassion needed to help them and myself to end this siege of denial that confines them to the preservation of their knowledge without rational thought, acting subconsciously in ways that randomly violate and serve their purpose. The Supervisors need to know all this is possible and how many children of an optimum age were hypnotically influenced by the children of Medicine people in County schools in the past. This information and conscious cooperation from the Medicine community are now available only through the court.

The 'antap' or ruling elite of the Medicine community have educated me as to their abilities, the truth of the past here in Santa Barbara and the plan for becoming conscious that their ancestors have them programmed with. Consciousness is based on their perception of conditions matching those they are programmed at childhood forcing them into awareness of their ancestral past and sacred knowledge. The conditions must match closely those designed a century ago to work in dissolving the memory barriers created during childhood programming. The conditions are those of the truth of their past from the court room, and the resulting public information.

If the truth cannot be found in court County residents of all ages in the community who have been influenced from childhood will not experience the conditions they have been programmed to recognize that trigger them into simple conscious awareness of being hypnotically manipulated. Those conditions result from information in the media of the Court concerning the truth of the Natives past and my litigation. The basic information I bring to you through this letter. Without those conditions influenced people will be triggered to act in a default manner relating to time, as scheduled post hypnotically, creating various forms of radical behavior custom fit to their individual natures. Those instructions were given to residents perhaps as long as decades ago in some instances. The instructions create an event planned for the near future which will be harsh and the least desirable way for the Medicine people to become conscious. The plan became a part of the childhood programming of Medicine people before 1900 and was set for execution, approximately, at the end of the century. The age of some of the knowledge used to accomplish this is many thousands of years old.

To expedite the consciousness of the sacred knowledge of the Medicine Community and protect County residents, communicate with the chairperson and the other Supervisors. Urge them to direct the County Counsel to file a MOTION TO VACATE the granting of the demurrer filed in the aforementioned case. Hopefully government accepting their role officially through court will stop sooner the default plan and protect the public, by information, from what has already been set conditionally into motion. A larger, repeat mass insanity if the denial continues.

I have been told hypnotic activities in schools and other places have been, and will be, curtailed for a few years while I attempt to create conditions making these sophisticated people fully aware. The Medicine people are afraid of being caught (not understood) and residents who are informed are likely to recognize obvious aspects of the induction of hypnosis when it is applied to them or if they see it happening amongst others.

This activity in the Native world represents the threads of a program/plan created a century ago, compulsively carried and acted out over time subconsciously. The Chumash Medicine people could not and cannot control their activities while they are acting unconsciously, they are not fully responsible for what they are doing. They should be treated with respect and compassion. With understanding they can help us all to evolve and meet the future with greater sentience. Their greatest dream is being accepted by the law, being responsible and helping people. All that the Medicine community needs to join with modern culture is the truth then they can heal.

If you feel as if you are sensitive enough to the Native Medicine person concerning history and their injury (they traditionally only talk on sacred subjects in a trance) you can observe their unconscious state by asking casually about the meaning of the name of "Anapamu" street (rising place) and the Winter Solstice shrine. If they are unafraid and comfortable with your intent you will receive a vague acknowledgment or perhaps more. If they are afraid they will deny angrily and refuse to talk. As an alternative look at the plaque on Anapamu street 1/2 block West of State street across from the Karpeles library.

I have been given evidence to help prove to; judges, supervisors, psychologists, teachers, counselors and others concerned, the possibilities and that something very serious happened here in Santa Barbara in 1876. I can explain how we can protect ourselves from this influence and improve ourselves by understanding what these people do with the subconscious mind. It is possible undetected hypnotic instructions can be overridden if a correct understanding of the subconscious mind is used to apply new instruction.

Presently clinical hypnotic techniques lack the ability to induce a cataleptic mental state without weeks of conditioning. Results are inconsistent making psychologists far from being capable of treating anybody, anyway other than drugging them. Probationers who exhibit impulsive, compulsive and obsessive behaviors simultaneous with an ability to be rational in areas other than the specific undesirable activities of probation, are likely to be suffering from an ancient technique of cycling conditional post hypnotic instruction into the patterns of a subjects life. It would be an understatement to say that research to augment hypnotherapy is needed to be prepared for the future and treat those effected.

The repeat mass insanity (matching but more adapted than the first) will be comprised of a mix of incidents covering the extremes of human behavior. Everything from sudden paranoia, drug/alcohol use, bizarre compulsive behavior, phobias, strong attitudes initiating domestic violence or crimes, fraud, vandalism, rape etc. All things that happen normally, randomly, senselessly. Do not accept it! It is very difficult to get people to do things that do not normally happen so these easily created incidents are utilized. Unfortunately a great deal of suffering will occur before a lot of what appears as coincidence will be recognized as a single event and curative action defined.

I do not accept the continued abuse of myself or other people in these ways intended to force a recognition of persecuted knowledge and people because of historic official denial of the impacts of the knowledge. To prevent an escalation in random and senseless acts by the people of this community I try to inform you and gain your support in recovering the truth of these peoples past. The injury the County government applied to them and unknowingly, indirectly still applies, by the official denial of ancient knowledge, to us the people living on Chumash ancestral lands.


Christopher A. Brown

Letter of 10/1/99 that did receive a response.