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Brick Plant Tour

After our adventure in the hills we met Hilda Maier (Director of the Brick Plant and fellow Infinity Project Winner) who gave us the most unbelievable tour.
Boy was I impressed. Totally cool! I highly recommend visiting the Brick Plant to anyone who has the chance. Well worth your time.

One of the Six Kilns at the Plant

I had no idea how much work went into making a brick. Some things you just take for granted. We saw everything from, piles of clay and how it was stored. Right to how the bricks were packed on railway cars for delivery. And every step in between. Fascinating!

Some of the bricks ended up in the launch pads at NASA. Imagine that!

My Lovely Wife - Debbie

Infinity Greg & Infinity Hilda

The above picture was taken by Infinity Lonnie Rewa in Columbus Ohio, at the Buckeye Marble Show.The First Annual Josh Simpson Infinity Get Together. Six of us Infinity Winners met there August 5th. Let me tell you, that was a good time! Lonnie Rewa MI, Clyde Tuller CA, Jill Spencer WV, Ken Dean MI, Daniel Ambrose PA and me. Lonnie was in charge and she did a great job all weekend. Your contest brought us together. I have met and made new friends all thanks to your Infinity Planets. Interesting isn't it. They are talking about doing it again next year .... count me in. Sign My Guestbook Get your own FREE Guestbook from htmlGEAR View My Guestbook
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