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Site of Annoyance! HA

Please, please sign my guest book. *smiles* I want to know what you think (from you think this is a total waste of time, to you love it, you'll share the URL/address with others, to you really hate it, and hope I go away).
I'm hoping to get more useless java prompts up... for those of you who love 'em... so keep checking back!
Also, e-mail me if you have a wonderful idea for some java prompts (stories, annoying jokes, that sort of thing... whatever comes to mind *hint* *hint*)

Thank YOU!

Hey, here's a thought... send this link to people!!! *OR* What do you think?? Great idea huh? Splendid! Send it on!

My birthday! My BIRTHDAY! MY birthday! My B. Day! My Birthday!
days till my BIRTHDAY!
P.S. It's June 24, 1982 for those of you who don't want to do the math. *wink* I'm going to be an *official* adult. That's a laugh. Me? An adult? In age, but not in spirit or body!

Try clicking here
Bad Pick-up Lines

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SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!! Please?? *smiles*

NEW! DanCE!!!

My other sites... please look at them on your way out...

Come see what a psycho-path REALLY thinks... *L*
And see my poems 'n stuff... written by me and some friends, and others
