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November 24, 2008 - Monday

Warm and sunny in Sendai, a late rain in Tsuruoka.


Well, today started badly so we'll just skip right over that, shall we? We checked out of the hotel and I thought were driving to the highway entrance when we ended up going to a museum. I was not impressed in the least. The reason? "It looked crowded so maybe there's something good on." After a lot of arguing we did end up going to the museum in Sendai, the Sendai City Museum. It was crowded. Every person over the age of 65 in Sendai was in the museum and the old ladies kept darting in front of me, just when I was going to move forward. Then they'd let their friends in too.

Best part of all. I'm standing in a row of people looking at Buddhist artifacts, about to break into tears because I'm so upset with my husband/frustrated, slightly bored and a guy (late 30's) came up to me and asked where I was from. I asked him why he wanted to know that. He gave me the old excuse about studying English conversation and needing to practise. I told him ( MUCH more nicely than I felt) that I was sorry but today wasn't a good day. He left me alone after that, which was lucky for him.

Fumihiko and I gradually got friendlier through the museum and by the time we were done it was 2 pm and I was starving. We tried to go to the museum restaurant, but it was crowded, so we drove over to Nagamachi Mall and had lunch at Capricciosa. It was good, pizza and pasta. There just wasn't enough of either.

We headed back to Tsuruoka. I dozed the first half of the way, but stayed awake through the mountains. We got back to Tsuruoka, filled up the car with gas and then went for dinner. Fumihiko chose tonkatsu, so that's what we had. It was nice.

When we came home, we brought our things in from the car and then Fumihiko went to bed. It's now about midnight so he's been sleeping for four hours, pretty much straight. His back has been bothering him a lot this weekend, but the way I see it, it's his body's response to the stress of us arguing. I think he needs to stop fighting once in a while and just agree to disagree. He doesn't seem to be able to do that though.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm back to work. I hope that I'll be able to have a good day. Wish me luck! Night night.


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