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November 24, 2003 - Monday

Sunny and clear, but cold.

Well, yesterday wasn't a great day, even though it was my sweetie's birthday. His mother decided it was pick on Helen day and came up to my room and yelled at me twice. The second time I just yelled back at her. Neither of us had an idea what the other was saying, and I don't think it mattered! After Fumihiko came back from wherever he was, we left the house and didn't come back!

We went to Edoichi for lunch and then to Mikawa mall to see a movie. The movie de jour was Phone Booth. I really enjoyed it. Colin Farrell was very good. There's been a lot of hype about him, but it might just be worth it!

I tried to take Fumihiko out to our favourite restaurant in Mikawa, but it was full. I was a bit ticked as I'd asked him to make a reservation, but he didn't. Then, we tried to go to a restaurant in Sakata, but it was full too. Finally we ended up going to the Indian restaurant in Sakata. We had a really nice dinner. I had tandori chicken, soup, salad and then darjeeling tea after. It was great. I had to cancel my nan, which was sad, but I can't eat that anymore.

We went over to the Jusco mall and made a couple of print clubs to send with our Christmas Cards. I think it will be fun actually. The prints turned out well. I also got a few new stamps too...nice ones at the hanko shop in the mall.

The rest of the evening was spent somewhere nice! I'm not going to tell you anything else!

Today we ate breakfast at Mosburgers. Fumihiko wanted to drive to Niigata, but I thought that was too far for a one day trip. So, we drove to Yamagata instead! I slept most of the way, but after a coffee at a rest stop managed to stay awake.

We didn't do too much in Yamagata. We went to an old hospital that had been changed into a museum. It was interesting actually, except of course that I couldn't understand many things. Then we went for lunch to Bikkuri Donkey. That was really good. I was starving.

After lunch Fumihiko took me to the old prefectural office. It's been renovated and redone. It was beautiful. We went really late, so we couldn't see everything. We had to leave at 4:30. Sigh.

We came back to Tsuruoka after that, and had dinner at La Chance. It was very nice. Then, we picked up a few groceries, took them to my apartment, and then came home.

I spent the next couple of hours wrapping presents! I got them all done, but now I have to mail them. That's going to be fun! Not! I hope it won't be too bad though.

Now, I just have to write Christmas cards, get a couple more presents and then I'll be set. I'd like to have most things done by the end of the month. That would be great. But, usually I'm not that well organized. Wish me luck this year though.

And that's about it. My weekend in a few lines. Have a good night!

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