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August 21, 2007 - Tuesday

Cloudy and hot and humid!


Today was okay. It didn't start that well. I got up early, watched a bit of news and then started to feel really sick. The kind of nauseated that makes you want to hug a certain porcelein fixture. I didn't and wasn't, but I took myself off to bed for a couple more hours. I felt much better when I got up.

It was a really humid day today. I had to turn on the air conditioner around 12. I tried to last longer, but I couldn't. I didn't do a lot today. I watched the first episode of Lost on my computer, and a couple of Ugly Bettys. I think that show is quite cute. It's not Shakespeare, but some of the acting is quite good. I never really knew that Vanessa Williams could act, but she's a real ice queen in this one.

In the afternoon, I went out for lunch. I probably should have stayed home and made it myself, but couldn't be bothered. I went to Marumatsu and had an okay lunch of ginger pork and fried gyoza. I did all my ordering in Japanese, and the poor waitress didn't seem to understand me. She kept pointing at the pictures of the food I ordered to see if that was really what I wanted! I suppose it doesn't hurt to check, but my Japanese isn't that bad when it comes to food. After lunch I went to the grocery store for a few things then came back via the bike shop. I dropped my bike off and told the guy that I'd be back for it tomorrow. I hope it's ready! Then, I walked home.

I got home just before 5, so I vegged in front of my computer. I watched more Ugly Betty and played computer games. Really, a very exciting day!

Fumihiko got home around 8 pm tonight and spent an hour or so looking at the stuff we got today from our travel agent. It looks pretty straightforward to me. I finally pursuaded him to go out and have dinner.

We went to Bronco and had steak tonight. Tuesday is their discount day, so we got a little bit of a price break too.That meant that it wasn't terribly expensive. Yay us.

I suggested buying groceries afterwards, so we went to the big shop. We got a few things for dinner for the next couple of nights. Tomorrow I'm making tacos and on Thursday we'll have tandori chicken. Poor Fumihiko. He never gets Japanese food unless we go out or he makes it himself!

We had another quiet evening at home tonight. We ate some melon and Fumihiko is composing an email to the grandmother of one of my students. She doesn't understand English, so hubby is writing it for me on my email account and I'll send it tomorrow. Hurray for teamwork.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to have a class in the afternoon, then I should be done. I hope that I don't feel sick tomorrow morning. I can't afford the time to stay in bed!

So, that's it for me. Tuesday was okay. Started badly, but ended quite well.

Talk to you tomorrow. Night night!


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