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August 21, 2006 - Monday

Hot and sunny, with a thunderstorm in the late afternoon.

A pretty good day. I slept in a lot longer than I had planned to, but heck, it's my day off! When I got up I did a bit of housework, drank some coffee, and checked email.

Later on today I made my omelette and it was great. I did have a taco omelette. Talk about yummy. While I ate I watched a couple of episodes of Friends. What fun.

I had planned to go out and have a coffee, but it started to storm. I stayed home instead.

When Fumihiko came home, I asked him to take me out for coffee, and he was okay with that. He prepared the marinade for our dinner first, and then we went to Mr Donuts for cafe au lait. They have free refills until the end of the month.

We came home via the convenience store to pay a bill and then cooked dinner. I didn't do much. Fumihiko did all of the cooking, so I did the dishes afterwards.

We tried to watch the end of Tremors, but the dvd seems to be messed up. I'd like to get a new one sometime if it doesn't work in one of our other dvd players. Since we couldn't watch it, we put on Pirates of the Caribbean instead. What a hoot. It really was great to watch it again. We ate some popcorn and drank some iced coffee. Good times.

And that was that. I found out today that Fumihiko has the day off tomorrow,so I don't know what we're going to do in the early part of the day. I have classes tomorrow evening, but what will we do in the afternoon? Hmm.

Tune in tomorrow night and find out. Got to go. Night!


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