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November 21, 2004 - Sunday

Clear in the morning, rainy at night.

Had a great day until tonight. Really, it was good.

The hotel in Akita was really nice, not terribly fancy, but nice. I went to bed around 1 I think, but Fumihiko stayed up to study.

This morning we got up for breakfast. We both had western style, which was corn soup, potato salad, bread, an omelet and 2 pieces of fruit. I ate the omelet, some of the salad and some melon. After breakfast, Fumihiko took some stuff to the car and then left for his exam. I went back to the room and watched tv. I was relaxing but suddenly the tv program switched off and a message came on the screen "Thank you for staying at the Hotel Iris". I was freaked! Did I have the checkout time wrong? I checked the room card, it said 11. I checked the hotel information book. It said 11. I decided just to be on the safe side I'd shower now!

When I got out of the shower nothing happened, I didn't get any phone calls so I just relaxed and read my Amy Tan book. It's darn good, it's The Opposite of Fate. It's non-fiction for a change. Just before 11 I went down to the lobby and I checked out. I sat in the lobby and read the Japan Times for a while until Fumihiko came back.

We visited the mall in Honjo. It was nice, but actually the interior looked a lot like a Walmart or a K-Mart. I didn't buy much there, but Fumihiko bought some bulbs. I'm not sure why he did that, we don't have a garden here!

We stopped off for lunch and then began the long drive home. We made good time. Fumihiko was pretty tired so when we got home he rested on the couch while I checked my email.

Tonight we went out for dinner to Bistro des Ponts in Mikawa. It was really good but I think I over-carbed it a bit. Hopefully I'll be okay tomorrow. Hopefully.

Then this is when it got a bit bad. Next Sunday Fumihiko is leaving to go to Thailand so I decided that I'd go to Sendai, stay in the Metropolitan Hotel and then come back on Monday. I didn't want to miss him too much, so I thought I'd make some nice plans for me. I've been looking forward to it for weeks. Well, he just told me that he's not leaving until MONDAY. That means I can't really go to the hotel as I'd planned. Of course, I CAN, but that would make me seem like a totally horrible person. Damn it! I really wanted to do something nice for me.

This weekend is a long weekend for me, and originally was for him too. I asked if we could do a little exploring of Northern Honshu, but then he announced that he has to work tomorrow. So, once again, my plans, hopes and wishes get to take a backseat. I'm so pissed off right now.

And, when we were in the restaurant we planned to watch a dvd together but he's watching some Japanese Crap on tv. Obviously I'm not going to watch it. All Japanese tv is total crap.

Anyway, I've done ranting for now. I'm not sure what's going to happen tomorrow. If he doesn't go to work I will not be pleased! I haven't had a day to myself in months.

That's it for me. I have to go before I make myself even more upset than I am now. And it was such a nice weekend up until tonight.


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