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November 21, 2003 - Friday

Cloudy and rainy all day, now very windy too.

What a day! This morning we overslept! When we woke up it was after 8! We usually leave at 8, or a bit before so we had to hustle. I got dressed in 3 minutes flat and met Fumihiko downstairs. He dropped me off at the apartment before he went off to work. He says he got there in time. I hope so!

I didn't go for my walk today, and I didn't do any exercise. I went to sleep. Oh dear. Not so good for me. However, I also did laundry and watched Smallville and also State of Grace. I quite like that show.

Work was boring today. I only had 3 lessons and they were later in the day. One lesson went really well, one didn't. Sigh. I have a hard time sometimes when that happens. I know I should do more, but what? How?

After work Fumihiko picked me up at the school as it was raining. I left my bike there too. He made us some nabe, which was really good. I enjoyed it very much. We drank some diet A&W Root Beer at the same time too. Yum. Then, we did dishes and came upstairs.

I started wrapping some of my Christmas Presents to send to Canada and Britain. It took a while and Fumihiko didn't help too much. However, he does have a good reason, the guy feels really sick. He's sleeping already. I hope he's better tomorrow. I got about 5 parcels ready, which will be nice to get in the mail. If I remember to take them to the post office tomorrow!

I took a shower a few minutes ago, and now I'm listening to my new Barenaked Ladies Cd. So far so good. They usually grow on me anyway.

That's it for tonight. Night night all! Oh, before I forget, I'll be going to a party tomorrow so I don't know how late I'll be, or if I'll post...and the night after that I might go away for a night if my hubby is feeling okay. Don't miss me too much!

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