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April 28, 2002 - Sunday

Clear and sunny, gorgeous day.

If you are lucky there are sometimes perfect days. This was one of them for me.

In the morning we slept in and then got up. We were going to go out for breakfast, but Fumihiko's mum was already eating it so we stayed here and ate. I'm glad too, because it was very nice!

After breakfast, I helped his mum with the dishes and then we went out. I thought we were going to look at the tulips first, and then go to his grandmother's house, but actually, we were to his grandmother's house first. His grandmother decided to come out with us, so off we went.

We got to the tulip place, but we couldn't get near it! The cars were lined up all down the hill, so we turned around and went to Zenpoji Temple instead. We drove up to the top of the hill and parked. I guess we weren't really supposed to do that, but we did. I don't think his grandmother, or me for that matter could have made it up the stairs! It was really beautiful and some of the trees were still in bloom. What is it about Japanese temples, the really nice ones? They are quite peaceful and relaxing, even with hundreds of people milling about.

We drove back to his grandmother's house, where Fumihiko's mum and grandmother got out so they could visit. We drove off.

We went to a place called Chokai No Mori, which is a place that I hadn't been before. There was a gorgeous view from the hilltop. We walked to another hill and saw a building in the distance that looked like a planetarium. So, we went there. It was! It wasn't expensive to go through it, so we looked around. It was quite interesting.

The place was beautiful, the flowers were nice, all pansies, and it wasn't too crowded. My kind of place.

We decided to go and eat then and went to Mikawa mall and had yakiniku. While we were there we decided that we would go and see a movie later that night.

We left, picked up Fumihiko's mum and drove home. Gombei was very happy to see us as it was past his walk and feed times.

We messed about on our respective computers and then left for the mall. We decided to go and see Legally Blonde, which we both loved! It was lots of fun for a date!

After the film we drove home and we are back on our computers again. I'm writing and he's playing Minesweeper. And that's about it!

I hope tomorrow is as good. Night night!

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