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Legally Blonde

April 28, 2002

There are some movies that you just have a good feeling about before you go to see them. This was one of those. Today I went to see a funny little film about a California Girl at Harvard and I laughed my head off!

The story is cute. Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) is dumped by her boyfriend for being too much like Marilyn Monroe...he thinks a Jackie would be better for his career. She vows to win him back and follows him to Harvard Law school. She's not accepted by the other students or the professors and has to fight in her own inimitable fashion to be accepted.

She is given a chance to work on a legal case and her knowledge of fashion and hair care gives her an inside edge with the case.

Along the way she befriends the local manicurist and helps her gain confidence and an interesting technique to get a man!

The cast is good and Reese Witherspoon as Elle hits all the right notes. Luke Wilson as a friendly associate and Selma Blair as Vivian, her boyfriend's fiancee are also nicely played.

This isn't a great movie and probably won't win any awards, but it is a fun movie with lots of heart. It's a nice way to spend a couple of hours. I really enjoyed it.

On the Stella Starstruck scale of 5 stars, I give it ***1/2

If this film interests you, you might also try watching Clueless with Alicia Silverstone in an updated version of Emma, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the original movie. Both films are about young women who become empowered and are blond and secretly smart!

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