The Bootleg Newsletter Online

The Bootleg Adjunct NewsLetter
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September 12, 2000

TO: All Adjunct Faculty Members
FROM: Rev. Michael J. Ludder, Adjunct Representative on the Academic Senate and the AFA Executive Council 527-4999x5215, 546-5673,
RE: News and Action Items

Welcome back to another academic year at SRJC.
In the last year we made some gains, but we failed to achieve parity in many instances with our full-time colleagues. Let's act together to gain more of what we justifiably deserve.

Communication is one of the keys to our past and future success. Get a campus voice mail number and your email through the College. You do not need permission to obtain these free services.

For details call the ever helpful Davida Brookfield at Computing Services at 527-4415. In addition, create an automatic adjunct phone tree in your department to share information quickly by also contacting Davida. Very soon the 2000-01 Staff Directory will be out with a supplement listing every teaching adjunct faculty by name, department, and campus phone number. If you do not get one in a few weeks call the Public Relations at 527-4266 and ask Bill to send you a copy.   Remember your department 's administrative assistant will also have the campus phone numbers, and email addresses of everyone teaching in your department. Ask for it along with a copy of the department's policies, the hourly assignment procedures, and the evaluation team rotation list. If you can not get a copy call the AFA office for advice on how to obtain a copy (Judith) at 527-4731. The adjunct faculty also have a web site at
by Adjuncts/for Adjuncts
So, let's communicate with each other.

Academic Senate has an important constitutional amendment coming up for a vote in October. As you know we now only have two adjunct representatives on the governing body (Marsha Connell in Art and myself), but this amendment will allow any adjunct (40% load) or full-timer to hold any one of the 25 seats.   The catch is that only full-timers can vote on any proposed amendment and a 2/3 vote is necessary for passage. If this amendment passes the number of adjuncts seated will surely increase dramatically and our two-tiered system will end. So, selectively act to turnout the "yes" vote.

District College Service is now paid service for adjuncts at the base hourly rate if approved by the District Activity Fund Committee. This service does not count against load. For more information on the required process call Judith at 527-4731 or

If you would like to serve on a district-wide committee contact both Brenda Collins, President of the Academic Senate (527-4613) and/or the AFA office. Both have the power to appoint adjuncts to serve on various college committees. Look for a flyer in your mailbox explaining this type of paid service.

AFA achieved some positive outcomes in the last year's contract negotiations. For example, the lecture hourly adjuncts now get 70% pro-rata pay, so now we are only down 17.5% from our full-time colleagues. We also now have one-half of our health premiums paid for with State funds if you teach on average at 40% in the community college system and have no other employer-sponsored health benefits. (Call AFA for more details.)

  In the end of October the AFA Executive Council will go on a retreat to decide the contract negotiation priorities for this year. Your input is needed before this meeting. Last year your priorities were improvements in: pro-rata pay, health benefits, 60% load, initial salary placement, office and workspace, access to staff development funds and no load for department work. Others issues might include improved reassignment rights, hourly assignments by seniority, full adjunct participation and voting privileges in departmental affairs, PGI credit, travel reimbursement etc. Come to a AFA meeting in the Oak Room at 3:10 on the first and third Wednesdays and tell us what you want in the contract. If you cannot come in person, write us at

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Note:The Bootleg Newsletter is a publication of Michael Ludder. This website hosts his newsletter as a courtesy and service to him. The opinions and information expressed are his own and may or may not reflect those of the management of this website.