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Geoff & Maggi's
Biography and Picture Page

      Thank You for visiting our Web Site.

      To give a quick idea about the types of Links that I have listed let me tell you a little about myself...

      I grew up in Washington State, graduated H.S. in '86.

      I joined the Navy in '90 as an Aviation Electronics Technician, went to boot camp in San Diego, went to school in Millington, Tennessee and then I went to another school in Lemoore, California. My first duty station was Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, where I stayed for about 3 years. I'm currently stationed at Point Mugu in California (see map below).

      I got married to my lovely wife, Maggi, in October of 1990. You can write to her at She is a full-time student at Oxnard College, studying Marine Biology. You can visit her "Save Our Oceans Now!" webpage at

      I am an amateur photographer. I enjoy photographing military airplanes, animals (especially eagles) and nature scenes.

      I am also an avid computer gamer, so you will find a lot of links to shareware sites as well as links to individual companies.

      Besides playing games, I also enjoy programming. My area of "expertise" is customized data bases. If you need a data base program designed especially for you or need a webpage, please contact me for more information at

      I hope you enjoy my links. If you find any errors, have any suggestions for additional links or just want to make some comments don't hesitate to write.

      We are they proud parents of 2 cats, we have some pictures of them and some rules that they live by.

Geoff & Maggi near Mt Shasta

Special thanks to Dave Doyle at Virtual Graphics Design
for customizing the above photo of me and Maggi

Here's where we live... Point Mugu, Ca

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