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Last updated 01/27/01
Carter Cathcart

Do It Again I Do
Click on the pictures to be transported (in more ways than one)

New York based composer, producer, and musician Carter Cathcart has recorded with artists Chris Spedding, Ace Frehley, Bob Mintzer, The Roches, Gerald Alston, Michael and Randy Brecker, Peter Erskine, General Johnson, Garland Jeffreys, Rupert Holmes, and Katey Sagal.

As founding member of the criminally underappreciated Laughing Dogs, Cathcart recorded two albums on CBS Records and toured nationally with the group.

He produced and co-wrote Tour De France, the 1988 critically acclaimed instrumental album by John Tesh.

Working with lyricist Jason Darrow, Cathcart composed and co-produced the original score for the musical Possessed--The Dracula Musical.

He also recently wrote and recorded the song Buy Low, Sell High for the Ken Roberts Company, with Nell Carter performing the lead vocal.

Other studio projects include producing local artists such as The Greg Trooper Band, Dave Roche, Hide The Babies, and Peter Maine.

Cathcart's professional career began in his teens as a member of New Heavenly Blue, a jazz/rock group led by Chris Brubeck, that cut two albums for Atlantic Records. Later, he was in Brubeck's Sky King band, with one LP on Columbia, as well as Two Generations Of Brubeck. He later played piano in Gerry Mulligan's Age of Steam.

Carter has also enjoyed success doing voice-overs and character voices for commercials such as Kit Kat and Tiger Toys, as well as for such cartoons as Pokemon, The ABC Weekend Special, Bobbys World, Utena, Monicas Gang, and Slayers...

Here, at Carter's website, we feature two of his newest projects: his new recording of the ORIGINAL version of the hit he composed for and with John Tesh, I Do.....and also his latest work, Do It Again--Fave Beach Boys Tunes.

JC and CJ

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