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Do It Again Text by
Carter Cathcart
Last updated 10/25/99
Carter Cathcart

CATH a wave.....


Do It Again......Fave Beach Boys tunes by Carter Cathcart

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Carter sez:

Do It Again--front cover By 1975 I had been living in Brooklyn, NY for 2 years, having moved from Ann Arbor, Michigan to join a band called Hard Candy(!) I confess to being a Beatles, Horowitz and Count Basie baby, the result of being raised in a very music-conscious family. Although my early memories of WLS radio, (Chicago) from 1964 thru 1967 included lots of Beach Boy hits, I had not imagined what was in store for me in 1975 until Dean Bailin, our guitarist, sat me down one Saturday afternoon and played, without identifying what I was listening to, portions of Smiley Smile ("WHAAT IS THAAT????" "She's Going Bald?" " ...Oh....."), and then Surf's Up, Carl And The Passions, Pet Sounds, etc.. I knew what was going on by the time we got to Wouldn't It Be Nice, but my ears and brain would never be the same-- kind of like what happened to me when another bandmate, Neal Rosengarden, played me Randy Newman's Sail Away in 1972.

JC and CJ I've been returning to all of those Beach Boys albums (now cds) over and over again during the past 20-something years and--as I discovered this last February--making subconscious memos about some of the tunes that I loved the most. "I wish that Girls On The Beach was longer...... Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder) would work so well in a 12/8 meter (that's what it really is anyway)--and with a TRACK!!! And more vocals, too........Sure wish I could do a newer backing track for Girls On The Beach--it would be great if it could modulate just one more time..." and so on. I needed to get these tunes off my back, so to speak, and so for 3 weeks in May 1999 I submerged into the studio, and came back up with what you have here. I hope you'll enjoy all of this, and share with me the love, respect and gratitude I have for Mssrs. Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Jardine, Love, Johnston, Fataar and Chaplin. Those guys helped get me into the music biz in the first place--(yeah, it's THEIR fault)--and have kept me more or less sane when I could have lost it many times.

