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I stumbled upon a bar, called Blood Donations Accepted Here, many years ago when My Friend Erik had been gone for
sometime, and I was eager to move on from where we had made camp. In a moment, beseiged by boredom,
and alone with the exception of what was supposed my Crow 'guide,' Jareth, I conjured up in my mind a place to visit,
someplace different from this vast world of time, that was in itself, sparsley populated.
An old hunger filled me, one I had almost forgotten, the other, a vast thirst for knowledge.
My search for knowledge here was limited to what little this dying world knew, or thought it knew.
It was time to move on, and go to another existance, another place where I might meet
others with some same intelligence as that which Erik and I possessed.

Jareth insisted on staying behind at the camp whilst I pulled open the door
of aeons, practicing my planewalking skills. This skill enabled me to travel to
other worlds by using my mind, to open pathways to them, exactly like one I had pictured in my mind.
There was also those chosen at random, those that seemed to match to one or ones I had in mind.
However, one had to be careful when using the random, for the doorway opened may not be stable
enough and would end up pulling them in and cast them into an oblivion from which
they may never be seen again.
The same went with opening a place of choice specifications in mind, that was familiar.
For should the concentration of the 'walker' be broken the doorway betwixt
the two worlds would implode upon itself taking the caster with it;
yet another quick exit to oblivion. *L*

The winds kicked up, and a wall of sands built up before me, giving birth to a
monsterous sand storm. This was caused by a pathway
in space and time opening up, and creating a vaccuum between the two worlds.

A deepening orange-red light shone from inside the storm, than dissappeared. It was light from
the other side bleeding through the cracks in the doorway to
the world which I had summoned.

I walked forward, against the winds, with an upraised arm covering my eyes, which were
drawn to slits to keep them from being sucked out of the sockets of my grinning skull,
and protecting them from the sands that stung my face. I dug my heels into the
desert floor and continued to the outlined doorway, I had briefly seen
moments ago. Had my ears not been almost deafened
by the howling of the winds, I would have heard Jareths
futile warnings, and wishings of well being on my trip
to this new world I would enter.

My two hearts thudded violently against the insides of my chest, my mind raced
with the anticipation of that which I might encounter, as I reached the wooden door.
In the eye of the storm it not as calm as one might think.
A dull roar echoed inside it's dark belly as the
sands beneath my feet undulated, and shook. I stood and there
before me was the door, silouetted on the nearby wall of sand . I reached my
silver taloned hand forth and gripped the door handle, in an effort to keep
my ground. I hang on preventing the violent winds from tearing
me away from that which I desired , and casting me back into the vast desert
at my back. Placing my hand around the brass doornob, I tightly turned it,
and the door swung open, causing the walls of this reality to
bend and stretch inward, and outward. I was then barraged by waves
of powerful unimaginable energies. The brightening dark orange-red light
hit my face and I winced at the sudden extreme light that
momentarily blinded me, and then stepped through the door
into the bar of Blood Donations.

I was then surrounded by large walls of stone, and my senses were flooded
with many smells, some unfamiliar, others welcome, all
pleasing to the senses. Keeping the pride of my peple in mind, I regained
control over that which tried to overpower my senses.
Few made notice of my entrance, most just ignored it, for they were seemingly
enwrapped in their own cares and situations. Apparently
such entrances were a common occurance here.

I made my way around the room over to the bar, and made myself somewhat comfortable.
Remaining wary of danger during my few hours there, I quietly observed others in the room.
I left soon after , and explored the world outside the bar,
following my thirst for knowledge and the old familiar blood
I had once long ago come to enjoy.

Though my time spent at Blood Donations was brief I made friends and allies of
Nishan, and her Family. One will not forget the meetings with
My Friends in the Raven Family, nor with the Blood Angels, nor the companionship
I shared with Tressa, and many others, as
beautiful and intelligent.

I moved on to the bar Solace a short while later, in search of my sister Caelan.
Even now I wander looking for some trace of her,
constantly moving from one place to the next. One can only guess
at what kind of life she has led, or wretched existance
she has allowed herself to become party to, or died from....

The Corridors of Other Worlds

The Main Room (Opening Page)
My Family
At The Heart of It All
The Domain
The Path Thru Darkness
The Vampire Crossroads
Ben's Vampire Chat
The House of R'Leyh

The Moonlight Nocturne