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The Family

Those I consider members of my family, and those related to me by blood are few and far between.

There is my twin brother Dlel. He looks like me in just about every single way. The only difference is that his eyes are without the reptilian slit and his talons and arms are tiger striped the colores of silver and diamond. He can be extremely violent, with a short fuse to go with his temper. I beheaded my twin terror and sent him back to the hellish existance his spirit came from.

My sister Caelan, I am proud to say has appeared, recently, at a time when she is neeeded most.

My niece, Rhonda, born child of my brother Dlel. She is very quiet, and looks very much like her father. She has his eyes and a taste for fingers. She has a habit of crawling inot small dark places, or holes in walls that she finds. She disappeared sometime ago, and our family is combining our efforts to try and find her.

My wife Tressa De'Lance , resurrected, and embraced. She and I were married sometime ago by a high priestess of the Goddess Selene, Jadis. Tressa is a charming beautiful woman, who is quiet, and shy

We have a new addition to our household. On Oct, 19 2000, at half past midnight, Tressa gave birth to our dark haired, ice blue eyed daughter Wynter Krystils. She eats much has been growing quickly.

Tressa has been taking care of our dragonette Jalehandra,of whom is indeed growing fast.Jale is forest green, with silver eyes..and she tends to be quite playful. She surpassed three feet just a few weeks ago, and she has a healthy appetite. Her english vocabulary is increasing, as well as her knowledge of other languages. She, like Tressa is also being taught , how to control objects with her mind. I have many plans for her.

It has also been brought to my attention by my lovely wife, that she is now with child, and much like our little Jale, our babe grows quick within Tressa's womb. We look forward to the birth of our little with eagerly, and have made such accomodations to fit whatever needs the child will have.

Kaleigh, a Blood Angel, and friend whom I and the other two members of my family have 'adopted' into our household. So much like a sister to all of us, she is the perfect match of intelligence and strength.

Ynx, the Jade Dryghn, and warrior, is yet another 'adopted' relative. She has studies in direct damage spells, and hand to hand combat. She is a sharpshooter, extremely efficient wielding firearms, and other projectile weaponery. Erica, the Purple Dryghn, is her sister. She is able to heal all matters of wounds, from those fatal wounds of the flesh, to the scarred remains of ones soul/spirit. Her universal knowledge of herbs and medicines has helped us numerous times.

A warning; We are extremely protective of one another. An attack on one is and attack on all. We will send you to a place no amount of sorcery or black magics will be able to resurrect you from, should you be stupid enough to try anything.

The Main Room
At The Heart Of It All
Drakken's Stats

The Moonlight Nocturne