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The Ancient One

You step into the vast entryway, the large black steel doors at your back closing silently. Candles are dimly lit down the dark corridors that seem to disappear in all directions, leaving no hint as to whom or what they lead to. The floor depicts a great battle between angels and demons, a vast battleground bathed in blood, that flows into rivers. The style is very much Michealangelo's.

Large stained glass windows arch up from inches off the floor, almost meeting the ceiling. On them are images of your hosts, their names on silver plaques. The glass eyes seem to be staring at you, with a cold piercing gaze. In the spaces between the windows are life size black and white marble statues of the more common ArchAngels, and Demons. Their weapons are drawn, ready for battle, the dim light adding a more life like effect to them. The swords and claws gleam, the armor a low shimmer, or lack thereof. Skulls of many races, alien and humanoid alike, lie at their feet.

A warm wind howls down the corridors, the air slightly warming your body. A rumble is heard in the distance, and then a crash.

A deep voice, although friendly, carries a tone of warning. It seems to echo off the walls, coming from all around you.

"Welcome to Castle De'Lance. I hope your visit is pleasurable, or painful. Please come in and make yourself at home. "

A shrill screech fills the night air and you are alone once again...

I Believe An Introduction Is In Order

The Family
The Path Through Darkness
At The Heart Of It All
Artworks and Thank You's

The Moonlight Nocturne

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Pen your name in the blood of aeons.
Leave a trace of what was once present.
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Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. The character Drakken, story of Drakken and other characters on this site may be in no way reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, without written permission of the writer. Write to the above e-mail if you have any questions or comments.