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Pokémon Codes

Duplicate Items Without a Gameshark

First of all you have to have Fly and Surf. You go to the guy in Viridian City that teaches you how to catch a Weedle and talk to him. Answer, no to his question. After he's done catching the Weedle, and done talking as well, fly directly to Cinnabar Island. Once you're there surf along the east coast. When you find a Missingno you can run or battle it and when you're out of the battle you should have over 100 of the sixth item on your item list. I prefer you duplicate rare candy's and the master ball.

Find Over Level 100 Pokémon.

If you do the code above and continue surfing along the east coast of Cinnabar Island you will find over level 100 pokemon. Try it. It really works!

Fight Safari Zone Pokémon Elsewhere

You need fly and surf for this code. Go in to the Safari Zone and walk around until all your time is used. Once you're out of the Safari Zone building fly directly to Cinnabar Island. Surf along the east coast and you will find Safari Zone pokemon. This code works with every place you find pokemon.

Clone Pokémon

You will need 2 Gameboys, 2 pokemon game cartridges, and a game link cable. The person giving the not very good pokemon has to trade first. When the not very good pokemon reaches the other Gameboy the person getting that pokemon has to get ready to turn off their Gameboy. Once the words "WAITING" go off you turn off that Gameboy and the good pokemon is transferred to the other Gameboy as usual and when the screen says "Trade Completed" turn off that Gameboy as well. CAUTION:If done too many times your saved game will be deleted.

Clone Pokémon Part 2

I have got great news y'all! My friend Chris and I were cloning a Mew one day. I had Mew and he had Goldeen and I had an empty space in my list of 6 Pokémon. So, while we were trading, his Goldeen was transferred to me and after Mew was transferred to him. When I turned off my Game Boy after the "WAITING" flashed off Chris turned off his Game Boy when it said "Trade Completed". When we turned back on our Game Boy's Chris had Mew and I had Mew as well so the cloning worked! But something else happened. When I was skimming through my list I found a Goldeen! That ment that Mew was cloned but since I had an empty space in my list of 6 Pokémon I still got the crappy Pokémon!

Submitted by: Andrew and Chris
Courtesy: Andrew's Pokémon Center

Missingno. #000

You must have surf in order to do this trick. First of all you go the Cinnabar Lab and trade a woman Raichu for Electrode. After you have Electrode just surf along the east coast of Cinnabar Island. Eventually you will find a pokemon that looks really screwed up. It's attack is high but it's defense and everything else is low. I suggest you don't catch it because it might screw up your game.

Unlimited Chances to Catch Rare Pokemon

When you come across a Rare Pokemon like Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Snorlax, or Mewtwo you can get multiple chances to catch them. All you have to do is when you're about to fight them save the game before you battle. During the battle if you make the rare pokemon faint just turn off the Gameboy after the battle and you have another chance. You can continue this until you finally catch it!

Harder Hitting Attacks

When you get into a battle with a pokemon and can't defeat it with the weak move make the move stronger. It doesn't take any thing but a pokemon and pokemon move. All you have to do is hold down the "A" button on your Gameboy when your pokemon uses the move.

Better Chance to Catch Pokémon

If you hold down UP+A or DOWN+B when you throw the poke-ball at the pokemon you have a better chance of catching that pokemon.

Phantom PC

Start from the Celadon City Pokemon Center and walk west until you see an opening beetween the buildings along the south side. Go through the opening and walk east to the little hotel. Go inside and walk straight to the counter. Now turn right and walk to the wall. Take two steps down and one step up. Now press the "A" button and OHMIGOSH there's a phantom pc!

Easier Way To Get Kangaskhan

You must go to the man in Viridian City that teaches you how to catch a Weedle first. After you watch him catch the Weedle and finish talking to him as well and Fly to Cinnabar Island and Surf along the east coast until you find a messed up symbol Pokémon. Catch 'em! That's right, I said "CATCH 'EM!" After you do that give it a Rare Candy and it'll say "What? Messed up symbol Pokémon is evolving. Messed up symbol Pokémon evolved into Kangaskhan!"

This code was submitted by Chris Hillman!

Start With All Three Start Pokémon

You must have: 2 Game Boys, a game link cable, and 2 Pokemon game cartridges. Name one Game Boy, A and the other one B.

1.Start a new game with Game Boy A.

2.Go to Proff. Oak`s and get Squirtle.

3.Go to nearest Pokemon Center and trade Squirtle to Game Boy B.

4.Start new game with Game Boy A.

5.Repeat 2-4.

6.Go to Proff. Oak`s and get Charmander.

7.Go to nearest Pokemon Center and trade Charmander to Game Boy B.

8.Start new game with Game Boy A.

9.Repeat 6-8.

10.Go to Proff. Oak`s and get Bulbasaur.

Game Boy B should have 2 Squirtles and 2 Charmanders, so trade one of each back to Game Boy A.

Moon Stones

Just a little thing I thought could go on the secrets or walk-through page. There are five Moon Stones, three of which are visible, two of which are not.

1) In the upper-lefthand corner of the first floor of Mt. Moon.

2) In the basement of the game corner.

3) In the bottom-right corner of Route 2 (CUT).

4) In Mt. Moon, before the supernerd's platform, there is a corridor 4 spaces long and 1 space wide, go to the end of it and press A and poof! you have a Moon Stone.

5) In the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar Island, go up to the right side of one of the pillars on the right-hand side near the entrance hit A and it will say you found a Moon Stone.

Go to sleep!.....OK wake up now!

If you have a pokemon who has Rest or if you can get TM44, your pokemon can restore all his\her hit points (HP), in a span of 2 turns! Simply use Rest during battle (the pokemon will fall asleep), then during your next turn, play the Poke Flute (Obtained when you save Mr. Fuji from the tower in the Pokemon funeral parlor) your pokemon will wake up ready to go!

Fish in Statues

It's wierd, but you can fish in statues! Simply use the rod! Sometimes you can find rare water Pokemon this way.

Even the Odds at Game Corner

In the casino above the guy with the glasses that you usually find in gyms is a slot machine with great odds. The way I got a porygon was simple but still long. Save the game when you hit the jackpot After a while the game is fixed and you will either get multiple wins, or hit the jackpot- doing that you eventually start to win several hundred at a time. By hitting the a button rapidly it sets a pattern to make sure you now when the jackpot comes up- the slot machine starts to slow down.

Easy Experience

An easy way to earn experience for a weaker Pokémon is to put your lowest-level Pokemon at the top of your list. When a fight begins, it will be the first Pokémon released. Instead of fighting, just switch to a stronger Pokémon. The weaker Pokémon will share the experience from the battle without being put in any danger. This is a good way to make your Pokémon gain experience evenly.

Easy Way to Get Money

If you want to keep on getting money in the game after you beat the Elite Four there are two ways! There's the hard way which is simultaniously beat the Elite Four or the easy way. Duplicate your Nuggets and sell them at a Pokémart. When you get $999,999 you can't get anymore money.

Fishing Guide

-=Route 22=-

-#050 Poliwag

-#118 Goldeen

-=Celadon City/Route 10=-

-#079 Slowpoke

-#062 Poliwhirl

-=Route(s) 12, 13, 17 & 18=-

-#072 Tentacool

-#098 Krabby

-#118 Goldeen

-#129 Magikarp

-=Pallet Town=-

-#072 Tentacool

-=Cerulean City/Route(s) 4, 24 & 25=-

-#118 Goldeen

-#054 Psyduck

-#098 Krabby

-=Viridian City=-

-#072 Tentacool

-#060 Poliwag

-=Vermilion City/Route(s) 6 & 11=-

-#098 Krabby

-#090 Shellder

=Safari Zone=-

-#054 Psyduck

-#098 Krabby

-#079 Slowpoke

-#147 Dratini

-=Fuchsia City=-

-#098 Krabby

-#118 Goldeen

-#129 Magikarp

-#119 Seaking

Pokégods City

This is not confirmed yet but it's said that you can get to a secret city in the game. You have to beat the Elite 4 and Gary 30 times without talking to anyone except the Nurse Joy in INDIGO PLATEAU. On the 30th time Proff. Oak will say I'm getting really tired of this and walk off leaving you free to walk into the Pokemon Hall of Fame. Go into that room and walk which ever way you desire and you will find a secret city. In that city you can trade trainers for Pokegods like Togepi and Pikablu or better known as Mairu. Remember this is just a rumour. (I only put that last part in about Mairu because I've had numerous complaints about it not being Pikablu.)

Chrona Mew

To get Chrona Mew you need to have an Itemfinder. Go to Seafoam Island and keep on using Itemfinder everywhere you go in Seafoam Island and eventually you will find the Mist Stone. It's one of a kind and extremely hard to find. Once you find it use it on Mew and it'll evolve into Chrona Mew! This has not been confirmed yet don't go crazy over it.

How to Get Togepi

It's quite simple actually. Go to Mount Moon and walk around to different sections of it. In every section use the Itemfinder. Once you do that 100 times you will find a Togepi! This has also not been confirmed yet.

Get a Motorcycle

If you want a motorcycle in the game follow these steps. Get through the whole game WITHOUT getting a bicycle. When you get $999,999 go to the Bike Shop in Cerulean City and talk to the guy behind the counter. He'll say, "Oh you have enough!" He'll give you a motorcycle and all your money will be gone. This code is not confirmed yet. If you've tried it and it works please e-mail me.

Submitted by Chris Hillman Told to Chris by Ryan Hayes.

Blast(HM 06)

It is rumoured that there is an HM 06 so this is the story. What you have to do is beat the Elite Four 100 times and you'll get HM 06. This is just a rumour. It is not confirmed yet.

Ultra Rod

Getting the Ultra Rod isn't very simple. It takes a while. What you have to do is go to the guy in Fuchsia City that gives you the Good Rod. Talk to him 1000 times and he'll give you the Ultra Rod. This has not been confirmed yet. If it works for you e-mail me.

GameShark Codes

Warning: Using these MAY erase your saved game

To start off with Mew-01151ED1 or 0115d8cf

Get a Porygon for free- 01AA1ED1



INFINITE MONEY 019947D3 019948D3 019949D3



Here is a code to catch all the pokemon if you put in the code you fight the monster then put in a new one.01xxD8CF (turn the xx into the numbers and letters)

99 Bulbasaur, 09 Ivysaur, 9A Venusaur

B0 Charmander, B2 Charmeleon, B4 Charizard

B1 Squirtle, B3 Wartortle, 1C Blastoise

7B Caterpie, 7C Metapod, 7D Butterfree

70 Weedle, 71 Kakuna, 72 Beedrill

24 Pidgey, 96 Pidgeotto, 97 Pidgeot

A5 Rattata, A6 Raticate

05 Spearow, 23 Frearow

6C Ekans, 2D Arbok

54 Pikachu, 55 Raichu

60 Sandshrewk, 61 Sandslash

0F Nidoran(femalle), A8 Nindorina, 10 NidoQueen

03 Nidoran(male), A7 Nindorino, 07 NidoKing

04 Clefairyi, 8E Clefable

52 Vulpix, 53 Ninetales

64 Jigglypuff, 65 Wigglytuff

6B Zubat, 82 Golbat

B9 Oddisho, BA Gloom, BB Vileplume

6D Paras, 2E Parasect

41 Venonat, 77 Venomoth

3B Diglett, 76 Dugtrios

4D Meowth, 90 Persian

2F Psyduck, 80 Goldduck

39 Mankey* , 75 Primeape

21 Growlithe, 14 Arcaninel

47 Poliwag, 6E Poliwhirl, 6F Poliwrath

94 Abra, 26 Kadabra, 95 Alakazam

6A Machop, 29 Machokei, 7E Machamp

BC Bellsprout, BD Weepinbell, BE Victreebell

18 Tentacool, 9B Tentacruel

A9 Geodude, 27 Gravelern, 31 Golem

A3 Ponyta, A4 Rapidash

25 Slowpoke, 08 Slobro

AD Magnemite, 36 Magneton

40 Farfetch'd, 46 Doduo, 74 dodrio

3A Seel, 78 Dewgong

0D Grimer, 88 Muk

17 Shellder, 8B Cloyster

19 Gastly, 93 Haunter

0E Gengar, 22 Onix

30 Drowzee, 81 Hypno

4E Krabby, 8A Kingler

06 Voltorb, 8D Electrode

0C Exeggcute, 0A Exeggutor

11 Cubone, 91 Marowak

2B Hitmonlee, 2C Hitmonchan, 0B Lickitung

37 Koffing, 8F Weezing

12 Rhyhorn, 01 Rhydon

28 Chansey, 1E Tangela, 02 Kangaskhan

5C Horsea, 5D Seadra

9D Goldeen, 9E Seaking

1B Staryu, 98 Starmie

2A Mr. Mime, 1A Scyther, 48 Jynx

35 Electabuzz, 33 Magmar

1D Pinsir, 3C Tauros

85 Magikarp, 16 Gyarados

13 Lapras, 4C Ditto, 66 Eevee

69 Vaporeon, 68 Jolteon, 67 Flareon

AA Porygon, 62 Omanvste, 63 Omastar

5A kabuto, 5B Kabutops, AB Aerodactyl

84 Snorlax, 4A Articuro

4B Zapdos, 49 Moltres

58 Dratini, 59 Dragonair, 42 Dragonite

83 Mewtwo B6 Missingno. Here is lots of Gameshark codes for ALL of the items: courtosy of Josh's Pokémon page use 01xx7ccf and replace the xx with the item you want to buy: the list is below

Item List

01 Master Ball

02 Ultra Ball

03 Great Ball

04 Pokéball

05 Town map

06 Bike

07 Surf without pokemon

08 Safari Ball

09 Pokedex

0A Moon Stone

0B Antidote

0C Burn Heal

0d Ice Heal

0F Parlyz Heal

10 Full Restore

11 Max Potion

12 Hyper Potion

13 Super Potion

14 Potion

15 Boulder Badge

16 Cascade Badge

17 Thunder Badge

18 Rainbow Badge

19 Soul Badge

1A Marsh Badge

1B Volcano Badge

1C Earth Badge

1d Escape Rope

1E Repel

1F Old Amber

20 Fire Stone

21 Thunder Stone

22 Water Stone

23 HP UP

24 Protein

25 Iron

26 Carbos

27 Calcium

28 Rare Candy

29 Dome Fossil

2A Helix Fossil

2B Secret Key

2D Bike Voucher

2E X Accuracy

2F Leaf Stone

3A Dire Hit

3B Coin

3C Fresh Water

3D Soda Pop

3E Lemonade

3F S.S Ticket

30 Card Key

31 Nugget

32 PP Up

33 Pokédoll

34 Full Heal

35 Revive

36 Max Revive

37 Guard Spec

38 Super Repel

39 Max Repel

40 Gold Teeth

41 X Attack

42 X Defend

43 X Speed

44 X Special

45 Coin Case

46 Oak's Parcel

47 Item Finder

48 Silph Scope

49 Poké Flute

4A Lift Key

4B Exp. All

4C Old Rod

4D Good Rod

4E Super Rod

4F PP Up (for free)

50 Ether

51 Max Ether

52 Elixer

53 Max Elixir

C4 HM 01

C5 HM 02

C6 HM 03

C7 HM 04

C8 HM 05

C9 TM 01

CA TM 02

CB TM 03

CD TM 04

CE TM 05

CF TM 06

D0 TM 07

D1 TM 08

D2 TM 09

D3 TM 10

D4 TM 11

D5 TM 12

D6 TM 13

D7 TM 14

D8 TM 15

D9 TM 16

DA TM 17

DB TM 18

DC TM 19

DE TM 20

DF TM 21

E0 TM 22

E1 TM 23

E2 TM 24

E3 TM 25

E4 TM 26

E5 TM 27

E6 TM 28

E7 TM 29

E8 TM 30

E9 TM 31

EA TM 32

EB TM 33

EC TM 34

ED TM 35

EE TM 36

EF TM 37

F0 TM 38

F1 TM 39

F2 TM 40

F3 TM 41

F4 TM 42

F5 TM 43

F6 TM 44

F7 TM 45

F8 TM 46

F9 TM 47

FA TM 48

FB TM 49

FC TM 50

Pokémon Yellow Gameshark Codes

I've got a really great treat for all of you Pokémon Yellow players today. I'm the very first site to figure this out. The Gameshark codes for getting all 151 Pokémon in the yellow version. They are listed below.


To get all the Pokémon in the yellow version with gameshark type in 01XXD7CF and in the XX place put the code of the Pokémon you want.

99 Bulbasaur, 09 Ivysaur, 9A Venusaur

B0 Charmander, B2 Charmeleon, B4 Charizard

B1 Squirtle, B3 Wartortle, 1C Blastoise

7B Caterpie, 7C Metapod, 7D Butterfree

70 Weedle, 71 Kakuna, 72 Beedrill

24 Pidgey, 96 Pidgeotto, 97 Pidgeot

A5 Rattata, A6 Raticate

05 Spearow, 23 Frearow

6C Ekans, 2D Arbok

54 Pikachu, 55 Raichu

60 Sandshrewk, 61 Sandslash

0F Nidoran(femalle), A8 Nindorina, 10 NidoQueen

03 Nidoran(male), A7 Nindorino, 07 NidoKing

04 Clefairyi, 8E Clefable

52 Vulpix, 53 Ninetales

64 Jigglypuff, 65 Wigglytuff

6B Zubat, 82 Golbat

B9 Oddisho, BA Gloom, BB Vileplume

6D Paras, 2E Parasect

41 Venonat, 77 Venomoth

3B Diglett, 76 Dugtrios

4D Meowth, 90 Persian

2F Psyduck, 80 Goldduck

39 Mankey* , 75 Primeape

21 Growlithe, 14 Arcaninel

47 Poliwag, 6E Poliwhirl, 6F Poliwrath

94 Abra, 26 Kadabra, 95 Alakazam

6A Machop, 29 Machokei, 7E Machamp

BC Bellsprout, BD Weepinbell, BE Victreebell

18 Tentacool, 9B Tentacruel

A9 Geodude, 27 Gravelern, 31 Golem

A3 Ponyta, A4 Rapidash

25 Slowpoke, 08 Slobro

AD Magnemite, 36 Magneton

40 Farfetch'd, 46 Doduo, 74 dodrio

3A Seel, 78 Dewgong

0D Grimer, 88 Muk

17 Shellder, 8B Cloyster

19 Gastly, 93 Haunter

0E Gengar, 22 Onix

30 Drowzee, 81 Hypno

4E Krabby, 8A Kingler

06 Voltorb, 8D Electrode

0C Exeggcute, 0A Exeggutor

11 Cubone, 91 Marowak

2B Hitmonlee, 2C Hitmonchan, 0B Lickitung

37 Koffing, 8F Weezing

12 Rhyhorn, 01 Rhydon

28 Chansey, 1E Tangela, 02 Kangaskhan

5C Horsea, 5D Seadra

9D Goldeen, 9E Seaking

1B Staryu, 98 Starmie

2A Mr. Mime, 1A Scyther, 48 Jynx

35 Electabuzz, 33 Magmar

1D Pinsir, 3C Tauros

85 Magikarp, 16 Gyarados

13 Lapras, 4C Ditto, 66 Eevee

69 Vaporeon, 68 Jolteon, 67 Flareon

AA Porygon, 62 Omanvste, 63 Omastar

5A kabuto, 5B Kabutops, AB Aerodactyl

84 Snorlax, 4A Articuro

4B Zapdos, 49 Moltres

58 Dratini, 59 Dragonair, 42 Dragonite

83 Mewtwo B6 Missingno.