
Dear Journal,

I am sure now my sister hates me. I have always wanted to move to Victoria, you of all things should know that. I want to find Scott. I hated L.A. I hated the smog, the heat, the violence, the people, the traffic, and the tourists. I hated everything that made L.A. what it is. But now, I want to stay here. I guess since I haven't written you in a while, I will tell you. We got kicked out of our house again. Last summer you know we had just moved into our new house that we were renting. We'll, the guy we rented it from needed a house for his newly married daughter, so out we go. Dad and mom had stayed up for two nights talking about how we were going to find a new house. Last summer I had joked with my parents that we move to Victoria, never ever thinking that they would actually ever take it seriously. The next week, I forget which day, during breakfast dad announced that he and mom had found a house in Victoria and we were going to move there. I was hysterical. I didn't want to move. They had promised us they would find a house in the area. Dad try to calm my out-lavish behavior, but there was no stopping it. I wasn't mad, I just felt betrayed. Erin stopped talking to me. She ignored me when I walked into the room, and acted like I wasn't her older sister. She claims it is all my fault that we are moving. She had said that if I had never joked with them, they would have never had the idea. But that was all it was, a joke. No use arguing with her. She is so stubborn. So here I sit on my bed, among a zillion boxes, in Victoria, longing to be back home. I miss everyone. I wanna go home. I'm going to start unpacking my room now so I can help mom with the rest of the house tomorrow. Until then...Adue.

