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NU FFA Continued......

The 1999 Nevada County was tons of fun. My FFA Chpater showed steers, sheep, and pig. We did well in the market classes, the lambs where mostly 1st grade market, there was only 2 seconed grade lambs, and one 3rd grade market lambs, The market hogs did pretty good too. The market steers not so well but there were less of them then anything eles.

Sarah, Melynda, Shawn, and Kevin

These four are just a few from the NU FFA chapter that showed market lambs at the '99 Nevada County Fair.

Tim and Christmas

Tim kept track of the animals in the petting zoo at farm days October 1999.

Val tells the kids about California Agriculture at Farm Days October 1999

About Me the Maker
Sassy the bunny
Amber the horse
My Family
Some of My Friends
A Few Long Jokes
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FFA Part 3