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Guidance Bible Studies Guidance Bible Studies

"You Shall Know The Truth
And The Truth Shall
Set You Free"
John 8:32

Guidance Bible Studies
is under ongoing major reconstruction. I hope you'll be forgiving of some temporary broken links as I make GBS a better site, such as the making of individual Bible text pages (for those who may not have a Bible) to aid in your studies, a monumenal task for one person to accomplish! These scriptural links will activate as they are made. I encourage you to use your own Bible (if available) along with the new Scriptural text links as you study here. Another new feature is the use of larger text for the sight impaired. I also hope you like the new look! If you like the graphics here and would like to use them yourself, here is a link page where we say "Thanks!" to the sites that helped in my spiffying up of the place.

I hope you will enjoy the studies on this site and I welcome all questions and comments.

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