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Questions From Readers pg 1

Question 1

"I belong to the
Christadelphian church & am taught that there exists no Satan. What is the danger in believing there is no Satan the Devil?"

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Question 2
(Second asked by same person as above)

"If one thing (like the nonexistence of Satan) is taught by a denomination & that one teaching is wrong, is that church led by or approved of by God"

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Question 3

"What is First Century Christianity?"

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Question 4

"Why, when you pray, do you have to use Jesus as a middle-man? If God loves us, won't he accept our prayers even if we don't use Jesus' name?"

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Question 5

"How is it that God told Adam that he would die in the "very day" that he was disobedient & yet Adam lived to be 930 years old? Did God feel bad about His decision & change His mind?"

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Question 6

"What good is the Bible? Who wrote it? "

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Question 7

"How can I be no part of the world? I'm not really sure what that means. "

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Question 8

"I'll be the first to admit that my religion teaches things I personally don't believe are right but I have no intention of changing my religion. I personally believe that all that is important to God is that we love Him, isn't this so? "

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Question 9

"I liked your study on Accurate Knowledge, it made a lot of sense. I also like that you don't try to shove your own faith down your reader's throats but that you just present the Bible's teachings along just with the opportunity to request info about your religion, (which I am doing). Seeing the wisdom of deeply examining the teachings and deeds of the various faiths, I am left confused. Can you briefly tell me how the Bible can show how to tell which religious group is right and if my own is not? Thank you for such an absorbing site. "

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Question 10

"Isaiah says in the last days people will have to beat their swords into plowshares and not do war anymore but I don't see that happening or see how that could ever be possible, so how can it be? "

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Question 11

"I have written to you several times in protest of the things you teach, why haven't you answered? At least you can tell me that"

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Question 12

"If death is the end of the life of the soul, then how was it that Jesus went to preach to the wicked spirits in Tartarus after his death? "

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Question 13

"If God can forgive murderers & child molesters & thieves, why won't he forgive Satan "

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Question 14

"Dear Sirs, I have seen ads in classified's about prayers to Saint Jude Novena and such and I keep wondering what it's all about. The ads say to pray to the saints or to the Holy Spirit or to the angels, the same prayer for so many days in a row, usually 7, and your prayer will be answered. And when answered the ad says you must publish the prayer immediately in a "promised" publication. Maybe I'm wrong but this seems weird to me, what say you? "

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Question 15

"I have never belonged to any organized religion, feeling that they are all corrupt, and believe that just having a personal relationship with God and reading the Bible is all that is necessary, isn't that all that counts? "

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Question 16

"I see you don't want to argue your points with people, why is that? Afraid you won't be able to stand your ground against opposing views? I thought you were supposed to do everything in your power to make a person believe "

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Question 17

"My mom said you guys and the mormons are the same thing and you believe God was once human and that there are lots of gods. She said you believe it was necessary that adam sin and that God created the earth out of things that already existed and all kinds of strange stuff like that. Is that true?"

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Page 2; Questions From Readers