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Leave While You Still Can, You Have Entered the Void of Madness!

Page: Date: Description:
This table only shows the FOUR most recent updates. The remaining contents of the site can be found in the table below.
The Death of Jesus September 4, 2000 Chancellor Tiberius's brand new, EXTREMELY offensive script. ***NOT RECOMMENDED FOR DEVOUT CHRISTIANS***
The Ghetto Shakespeare Collection September 4, 2000 Volume I, Episode 2: The Crossing, has been added
Captain Jackass's newsboard September 3, 2000 Four or so new stories added. (Page is undergoing format change)
HAL: Homosexual Artifical Life September 3, 2000 To save memory, I had to cut the number of .wavs in half. But the HAL page is still operational.

Contents Table

This is the main table that will guide you through the site. Each button provides a link to a new section of the page... some large, some small.
Captain Jackass
Queso Dragon
Chancellor Tiberius

Classic Gaming Contents



Game Shrines, to be worked on later

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