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Adam's Forum Of Creative Thought

Hello to all who have traversed the vast expanse of cyberspace to be here. Rest now, weary traveller, and sample all that the Forum of Creative Thought has to offer. This site was designed to be a place where any form of creativity can be displayed for all to enjoy. (Also it was a good way for me to get my writing published.) So come and enjoy whatever your heart desires.
"I'm out to sing the songs that'll prove to you that this is your world."

- Woody Guthrie

This Site Was Last Updated On 04/03/00

Me! (Adam Michelini)

What You Can Find On My Site...

Short Stories




Profiles II

Photo Gallery


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Sorry to all the people who have previously signed my guestbook, but technical difficulties have forced me to get this new one. This means any previous entries no longer exist on this site. My apologies.

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My Favorite Links

Apple-Eh's Creativity Page - Daniel Poulin's Site
Merry Meet - Brad Beattie's Site
Murdle's Theatre Thoughts - Amber Wardell's Site
Centauri Summer Arts Camp Canada
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
