va nessa's Place



All About Me!

Have to put
something about
me on here,
don't I? :)

Vanessa Herb Page

Herbs, fun to grow and useful too! Have some great tips, links, and properties of herbs.

Pagan Page!

Personal info, some awesome links, and I tried to put a little description of the page and my ideas of it. Go and Check it out!

Web Rings and CreditsI put all my web rings on one page. Here you can also find links and credits to graphics, texts and anything else I have used.

Fun Site of the Week!

The Girl's Guide to Geek Guys!

I find this wonderful because some of the best men around are Geeks! *grin*

Smurfs! *

Smurfs! | Smurfs! | Smurfs!

Have you ever wondered how there could be so many smurfs, yet they don't seem to have a dominate female reproduction unit.

Smurfette isn't portrayed as the "slut" and does not take on any mothering duties.

Yet Papa Smurf is the "father" of the all the smurfs. Is it some kind of cloning idea?

Well, here are some places you must check out:

Papa Smurf is a Communist! It has been proven!

The Official Anti-Smurf Page!

Smurfs that Never Made the T.V. Show! - We know about Brainy and Hefty smurf....but what about Pyro smurf and others that weren't "good enough" for the show?

*New annoyance next month!*


I know I know, I haven't updated or done anything to the page in a long time and I'm Sorry. Things have not been going the greatest lately and time for the page is very very small but I will be working on it some soon. Thank you to all who burned candles for my mom, I know she appreciated it, but she left us to go to the summerland in August. Thank Ye All and Blessed Be. :)

I've started putting my Book of Shadows online. I am slowly adding things to it, when I have the time. Check it out from the Pagan page :)

B.O.S Update: got a few little rituals up.

My Herb List page is on hold still.

Magickal Properties of Herbs now available from the pagan page! Check it out! Cutesy wutesy colors!


"Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" .... Monty Python, Life of Brian.

Lemme know you were here! Guestbook by GuestWorld See who has been here!


This many people: have come to see me since 26 Febuary, 1998.

Come on! Ya can do it! Send me a note:

These pages were created by Vanessa Berfelo with contributions from Alex Cruise. ©1998