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The Warlock

So you wish to know who I am I see. Why, I don't know, but hey...on to the details if ye want.

Name:Skyth DeSexton

Why am I called Skyth? See here

Location:York, PA.

Age:28 (I'm a Gemini)

Occupation:I put together a/c units for busses

Hobbies:  Too many to list, but here's some:
          Roleplaying games
          Computer games
          Swords and blades
          Hmmm...Seems like what's on me page, quiaff?

Favorite music: Depends on what mood I'm in. Almost anything except country and gangster rap

My number: Why 6 of course.

Why 6?: It's the answer to life the universe, and everything *Mischevious grin*

Favorite authors:R.A. Salvatore and Michael Stackpole

Favorite books:Ones set in the Forgotten Realms or the Battletech universe.

Marital status: Not married, but I do have a girlfriend...:)

ICQ: 4309009


Click on the image of the mage above if you'd like to see my (admittedly 11 years old) Senior picture.

Anything else ye'd want to know, ICQ me or mail me.

