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In the Spirit and Context of  "A Course In Miracles " - referred to as Wisdom

Dear One,

Face it... To one degree or another everyone experiences this idea of falsifying simple facts. It's everywhere in society; between friends and family, to work and business.  And how about the deluge of advertising these days. Exaggeration is so rampant and common place that most of the time when one does it it is not thought of as false, but better.

Funny thing is, it's not just done on a positive note either. Just talk to some hospital patients or war veterans. Taking nothing away from their experiences, it's amazing how stretched the ugly and the sad can get also. It's like a competition of sorts -to see who's worse or better off. Remember as children how much bigger or smaller a sickness was depending on whether you wanted to go out and play or miss school ? When you take a good look at it, exaggeration finds its way into most expressions of communication, even the ones we keep to ourselves.

So, why do that which is inconsistent with the act of reflecting on the facts or telling it like it is ? Not the willful lying stuff, but the semi unconscious exaggerating which self glorifies at the cost of Love's Awareness. And I say " semi " because you know you are doing it at the time. Go ahead... Admit it. I did, and that was the first step to catching and correcting this virus of mind.

Let's look at the root cause which fuels this insane thinking, giving it justification and even acceptance in our civilized society. Regardless of expression, it's all done for the same psychological reason; a lack of self love and worth, or not knowing one's True relationship to all things as revealed in all cultural Wisdom teachings. As students of "A Course In Miracles " let's bring a healing to this almost involuntary act which perpetuates the inner sense of self worthlessness. There must be an X-File virus buried deeply in the mind somewhere.

Wisdom teaches that a split in the Mind made a " thought system " that is not only not real but also seemingly independent and opposite to God's Mind in all ways. By entertaining this " ego idea " of  separation, consciousness acquired the belief in fear and guilt as a result. In order to temporarily alleviate and/or hide from this great strain, consciousness projected out of Mind creating this illusory world of duality, where chaos reigns because projection persists -even as consciousness itself seeks to return to the Awareness of Oneness. In which it still resides and never really left but in an idea. That's quite the holographic paradigm Wisdom paints !

So, since who you think you are is contrived on the ego's thought system of fear, guilt and separation, then all psychological constructs of personality must therefore have its roots in the X-File virus. Therefore, all efforts at making an image of individual identification (or personality) that does not originate in God's Qualities (Love for Absolute Self) must ultimately lead to feelings of lack and self worthlessness. Such is the understanding gained from the teaching; Be Still and Know I Am.

In taking a good look at the world in general, one can see the collective representations of this self destructive X-File virus manifesting everywhere. And on a personal level this X-File virus can be accredited with all the repetitive patterns of self sabotage -from the seemingly innocent use of exaggeration, to its ultimate expression of crucifixion. And of course the more common daily expressions such as anger, depression, violence, jealousy, boastfulness, greed, etc., etc., etc.

Without embracing your true nature of being -which is " as God created you "- as the All Loving, then all these sabotage patterns will accumulate and lead to the ultimate expression of the ego's thought system; physical death, and/or mass destruction. So, examining one's self in the context of exaggeration will give you an abundance of opportunities to choose the Holy Spirit's Miracle of Forgiveness instead, which is, as taught by Wisdom, totally necessary to allow the remembrance of the Awareness of God's Love back into your conscious experience of life and subsequent Self Identification as His likeness.

In terms of the X-file virus, all exaggerations represent a fear and guilt of not being good enough, or not being Godly enough. Exaggerations try to fill the void in experiential identity by creating a false feeling of self worth that inherently is short lived and, not surprisingly, compounds more guilt and fear on every level. Making the weight of this deception quite a load of  baggage to carry around. You know at some " conscious enough " level that you're only fooling yourself with your embellishments. Understand that this should not imply guilt, but call for correction ! Go ahead... Admit it ! You know when you exaggerate, and others can sense it too -because there is only One of us. So, as Wisdom puts it; humbly offer to the Holy Spirit for correction the mistakes of exaggeration you catch. And when you sense another's exaggeration do the same, for as you give so will you receive. There's only one way to heal the X-File virus; trust Wisdom.

And remember: Realize that the exercise of catching your exaggerations isn't so that you can condemn yourself for it, but release yourself from its condemnation on you. Every time you forgive yourself, or another, through Wisdom's Way you undo more and more of that which obscures the Love of God from your experience of life. Instead of settling for an empty sense of false self worth, you can feel instead in that moment, the Love of God and His Acceptance of You; His Divine Child -made in His Image. Regardless of how uninteresting you think you appear to others, He Knows you as Perfect, and only asks that you accept His Sharing each and every moment with the humility and gratitude that the awareness of His Love fosters. And that's no exaggeration!

Be Happy, Be Real,
With the Love of God Feel.


You don't change the old by resisting it. You change the old
by making it obsolete through superior methodology.

-Buckminster Fuller