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Marvel Kills Frivolously

All-righty, Marvel has this horrible tendency of bringing dead characters back to life. Worst of all, they never bring back the ones that the readers want the most. And, of course, they seem to also have a tendency to kill off the fans' favorite characters more often than the loser characters. How do they expect us to keep buying their books when they always kill off our favorite characters? Why do you keep buying their books, when they always kill off our favorite characters?
I really don't have the answers to this. All I know is that Marvel sucks for doing it so often. Here are the grievances, and occasionally the cheesy, comicbook-style come back they can make:
Boo on thee, Marvel, boo

Happy Links

The Official Marvel Comics Sucks Homepage
Mister Happy Does Comics
Mister Happy's Pit of Despair
