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Superconductivity And The Scattering Reversed Energy Gap Theory

Table Of Contents
Scattering Of Ve's In CuO
Reversed Energy Gap
Coherence, Pairing Without Attractive Forces
Electronic Pathways And Bonds
Other Consequences Of REG Theory
Mechanical Effects

Scientists have long suspected that the copper oxide is involved in the mechanism of superconductivity, and I agree.

The copper oxide of the 1, 2, 3, compound is a deformed perovskite material that helps to cause sights in the CuO molecules to scatter valence electrons (Ve's).

Scattering Of Ve's In CuO

These scattering's are caused because of the lesser intensity of the infrared energy or heat it has at low temperature, the lesser temperature causes the orbital's of the valence electrons to become to close to the electrons under them at certain points in the molecule, because of the deformation of the perovskite lattice and the deformation due to the smallness of the Y atom in this compound. At a higher temperature, or if the lattice had all its oxygen, the scattering would not happen.


A coherent conductive state is achieved by the valence electrons of the Ba and Y atoms being scattered by the copper oxide valence electrons, these electrons are raised in energy by at least a two step process, into their conductive zones, then go to a kind of metastable level of one of it's neighboring Ba or Y atom, then is raised in energy again in a one step process to find another metastable level in another neighboring Ba or Y atom.

The metastable levels are caused by a reversed energy gap, Which will be explained in a moment, the transition from a higher level or state to a lower level or state of another atom is accomplished because of the closeness of the energy levels or states involved, the Ve's are able to use a radiationless transition to conduct electrons from atom to atom.

Reversed Energy Gap

These new energy levels would cause a reversed energy gap to open up at or about the fermi energy level of the Ba or Y atom, so with an energy gap under the valence electrons, they are in relatively the same quantum state.

With the Ve's of the Ba and Y atoms moving between the metastable levels of an atom, to a higher level, and then back down to another atoms matastable level, the Ve's don't get back down to their ground states, so there is a gap between the metastable level, and the ground state of each Ba and Y atom (a reversed energy gap), as the energy gap is underneath the Ve's instead of on top of them. In this way, conduction can proceed without the need for any sticky particle pairing forces.

Coherence, Pairing Without Attractive Force

With one electron from each neighboring Ba or Y atom in the highest energy level at any given time, and as it intersects the lower energy level of it's neighbor, and is being screened from it's parent atom by the higher energy orbital of it's neighbor, the electrons angular momentum changes so the electron orbits in the new atom without emitting any radiation, as the orbital's of both the higher and lower energy levels are close enough in energy for the extra energy to be dissipated through a vibrational energy mode.

The scattering intensity would insure that at least one Ve from each Ba and Y atom is in it's higher energy state at all times, this of course would mean that a hole would open up where the electron came from, ensuring that there is a place for the slightly higher energy electron to go to, thus insuring a continuous coherent conductive state.

Noble metals such as gold, with only one Ve per atom, make superconductivity impossible because they are unable with only one Ve per atom, to sustain a continuous higher energy state, which means it would have no coherence, and hence no superconductivity.

In this way, electrons are not violating the exclusion principle, and are in a way paired to one another by the way they move, scattering creates higher energy electrons, which creates holes, which gives electrons a place to go to. This order of events gives the electrons their long rang coherence.

Electronic Pathways And Bonds

These new orbital's of the Ba and Y atoms are reaching out to each other in excited states, and create weak energy lattices within the bonded lattice, without crossing any of the bonding energy gapes of the original bonding sites of the CuO lattices.

There may be two different energy gaps, dependent on their direction, as the CuO surrounds the Ba and Y atoms, scattering their electrons from different sides, the only direction not being scattered by the CuO electrons is where other Ba or Y atoms are located, and this direction in the compound may have a larger energy gap than in the direction of where the CuO is.

These energy pathways are not bonds, but simply pathways in which electrons can move from one atoms higher energy orbital, to another atoms lower energy orbital using a radiationless transition, so they move resistantesly.

The changing orbital's of the flowing electrons cause what is seen as lattice vibrations, and could also explain what is seen as the breaking and reforming of so called cooper pairs.

Other Consequences Of REG Theory

R. E. G. theory predicts that it may be possible to create bonds using reversed energy gaps, to make substances that can change shape, depending on the voltage and amps flowing throughout, in other words, to create a door, where there was only a wall before hand, at the touch of a button.

Mechanical Effects

Both the transition temperature and the critical magnetic field of a superconductor are found experimentally to be slightly altered if the material is mechanically stressed.

Many of the mechanical properties of the superconducting and normal states are thermodynamically related to the free energies of these states, we see that the critical magnetic field strength depends on the difference in the free energies of the two states.

Once you see that critical field changes slightly when the material is under stress, thermodynamic arguments say the mechanical properties must be slightly different in the superconducting and normal states, for example, there is an extremely small change in volume when a normal material becomes superconducting and thermal expansion coefficient and bulk modulus of elasticity must also be slightly different in the two states.

All materials that presently superconduct are brought into an inelastic condition (brittle).

Ken Carmody

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