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Chocobo Breeding

Here are the 12 small steps for breeding chocobos to get the Gold one. What will a Gold Chocobo do for you, you ask? Well the Gold Chocobo lets you go anywhere, except the Crater. Oceans, deserts, rivers, mountains are nothing to the Gold Chocobo. The reason this is soo important is that there are 4 secret materia caves scattered about the map that have some very nice materia in them. You must breed other Chocobos before you can get a Gold Chocobo, such as Blue, Green, and Black Chocobos, all of whom have a special ability!  You are able to get to three of these caves without a Gold Chocobo, but the fourth cave contains the Knights of the Round summon materia, if you're going to get that you must
breed a Gold Chocobo.  That is the ONLY way to get the KOR (Knights of the Round) Materia!   If you're going to breed up to the Gold you might as well just wait and use it to get
all 4 materia.  You may want to just wait until you get a Gold Chocobo before going to any of the cave and do them all at once!  But in the process of Chocobo breeding, you must wait for some Chocobos to be able to breed again, so in that time you may find yourself curious about the three other caves.  If you want to you can get the three without the Gold Chocobo, but why bother? (rhetorical question)

Here are the four types of special chocobos that you can breed:
Blue chocobos can cross rivers and shallow water.
Green chocobos  are able to cross mountains.
Black chocobos can do the same things as the blue and green ones combined!
Gold chocobos does everything the black ones can do, but it can also cross oceans!

Getting Started:

Once you've read the above, and have the gil, it's time to breed Chocobos!
  1. 1)   Buy the stables from the guy in the house at the chocobo farm.  I would buy all 6, but you must at least have 4 or it can't be done. Take note that he will only sell you one stable per discussion so you will have to talk to him 6 times for 6 stables. Make sure there are no chocobos anywhere on the farm, if there are let them go now.  You have to breed the first two chocobos you catch twice.  You can only breed chocobos if you have somewhere to put the babies. If you only have 3 stables then after the first breeding you'll have to let one of them go to breed again--but you need all three of these chocobos and a fourth one to proceed so letting one go now would put you in an endless cycle.  That's why you need to buy atleast 4 stables (but buy 6)
  1. 2)  Go to Goblin Island.  It's out in the ocean, northeast of the farm. Check out the World Map!  Here you'll run into some ugly little goblins. You can steal the Zeio nut from them (or kill them and take it) You only need to get one nut. As a bonus, if you have manipulate and enemy skill on hand you can manipulate a goblin and have it use its Goblin Punch on every member who has an enemy skill materia equipped, that way you can learn that skill--note that it's not usually a great skill (read the section on the Goblin Punch in the Enemy Skills section!) so if you don't do it you aren't missing much. If you don't have the enemy skill materia yet, or you'd like another then skip down to section 4 of this breeding guide and find out how to get another in no time!
  1. 3)  Go the green grassland outside of Bone village (note--I do not mean the forest around the village but the green area just south of it where you'll have to land the highwind). Run around until you have to face a big red dragon-like creature called the Vlakorados (also called the Brachioladus) you can steal a carob nut from it (or kill it and take it). You need three of these nuts so you need to do this a few times--especially since not every Vlakorados you encounter will be carrying one. Despite how nasty it looks the Vlakorados isn't too tough, he's got a lot of HP, around 33,500