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The Garden of Faeries

Just A Note

I have decided to buckle down and finish this site! I've finally freed up some time so I can work with my little faeries to make this place magical!:) So I hope you stick around to see the changes!

Welcome to the Garden of Faeries! Please watch your step and enjoy your time here.

Why faeries you might ask. Well, I'm a strong believer in faeries. All the magical things that happen to us have a faery behind it. Have you ever watched the snow fall at night and it's all glittery around you, those could be little faeries floating around. I love the thought of magical little people.

Please kick off your shoes and get comfortable. My little garden is full of interesting things! Here, sit under this's my favorite spot and I'd love you to stay here. Look around, smell the flowers and please don't mind thoses piles of dirt. I've been digging in the garden again, getting ready to plant more surprises!

Start here!

Faeries,Faeries,Faeries!. You've asked for it so here it is!

Here's a little bit about me and my life.

Wanna learn a little about Wicca? Come see this page. I'm still working on it but I have a few links for info.

My friends are a pretty cool bunch! Take a peek at some of my pics!

This is the page for my obsession!Now I have tour dates here! Tori Tori here I come! Tori Amos is a wonderful performer. No wonder so many people think she's as great as I do! I've got a bunch of pics and a couple links.

Come on over and meet Trevor. He's cute, funny, an all-around good guy.....and he needs a date! Make his day, sign his guestbook!

And there is so much more to come! is an amazing place to find any book you might be looking for! I love this site and I'd reccomend it to anyone!! Check it out!

Coming Soon

Pics of my tattoos done by a fabulous artist named Jim Jones at Jonzies Tattoo in Trenton, Ont. Maybe I can convince him it's time to start his own web site!!:)

.......and much much more!!

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