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Here's April sunning herself in the living room in her fav. chair (1997 in Sept.)[right]. This is April my 10 year old cat at christmas last year (96) [left]! April is a beautiful cat! although she sometimes has a "grumpy" personality.

April has been a little lonelyer since we lost her life long companion Cuddles She has been crying at night when in another room, we call her and she comes to sleep on the bed. Now she seems to be much better and has taken up a closer relationship with Tuli, she often plays with her for a while and is more interested in toys that We have for them. She is fasinated by Cesille and loves when Cesi is out of her cage for a run. April spends many hours sleeping and sitting behind Cesille's cage. Her "grumpies" is much less since she moved out with me and my fiancee.On to the Second page of April images!

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Images of: Tuli |Donavin | Shamrock Sean | Seppy | Ragu |Mirrah | In Memory of Cuddles back to my CATS