< Photo Album
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About All This


The above image is a scanned pencil drawing with a Photoshop effect over it, followed by a picture I took of myself, and a pic of my husband, Chip(as a zombie.) Also there is a pic of my kitty Karmalita and my car. For more personal and family pictures visit my family website at the above zoomshare address.

Photography- All the photos were taken with a Canon EOS 35mm or my Fujifilm Finepix 5.0 megapixel digital camera. Many are taken in PA and many are taken in CO. I just threw them all together B&W, color, landscape, macro, animals, it's all there. If you can't tell, I love to take pictures. Some are scanned so they are not of the best quality but I did what I could to make them look decent.

Digital Art- Most of the digital art are actual photographs with Photoshop effects and coloration changes. The digital pictures taken with the Finepix are just too easy to mess with, the effects can really pull out detail.

Work History- From November 2002 until February 2004 I did Graphic Design for a China Company called Brighton Falls China. Most of these images are scans of some of the graphics made for dishes and also the tradeshow brochure I made. All work is done in Photoshop and Illustrator. One image is of car graphics I made as samples for a logo. Others are flyers made for a bar, and band flyers made for my brothers band. Some of the scans are crappy, but you can get the picture, once again I did my best to make them look decent The last few pictures are of me and some of my friends and family in 2000 when we all got to be in a zombie movie called Children of the Living Dead. My brother was working on it doing special effects so we all got to be zombie extra's for a while.

College- Only a few here, most of my college work is video and animation too big to post. The first three are from my Design class. The first two are made with ink, pencil, paint and charcoal. One is a natural design and the other is a geometric design. The third is a text design made with paint, colored paper and text printouts. The next few are cartoon versions of two of my friends made in Illustrator and later animated in Photoshop. There is one actual of them because it was part of a project for an interactive web site I made for a Mulitmedia class and the beginning was a photo sequence with audio that you then choose which character you wanted to be. From there the animated sequences came in and I just took some stills from the animation. The last few are also stills I took from an animation I did for a class using objects smaller than a quarter and animating them in Photoshop. The last is a cool drawing I did of my brother composed of all the letters in his name (Jesse Lechok) and then animated in photoshop to play his guitar.For video info e-mail me at the above address.

For a full copy of my resume, e-mail me and I will send an attachment with cover letter.

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