Red River Half - Breed Association.

Red River Half-Breed Indians

917-357 Kennedy,

Winnipeg, Manitoba,

R3B 3B9



This Webpage is often updated. Sunday, August 24, 2003


Red River Half - Breed Association FAQ

Kenny's Open Letter Page One for Red River Half-breed Association

Kenny’s Open Letter Page Two for Red River Half-breed Association

Kenny’s Open Letter Page Three for Red River Half-breed Association

Kennys’s Open Letter Page Four for the Red River Half-breed Association July 18, 2003

Alexander Henry and the Historical Landscape

The Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba Excerpts Alexander Henry   

AMC News Frees Press Article Link

Red-Light on The Prairies By James H Gray The History Of Winnipeg's Red Light District Selected Quotes

New T-shirt for Red River Half breeds Association here

European disease brought to North America




Head Chief


Animikii Meggazee

Chief Council


Kenny Morin

Hed Man

Vice- President

Rene Laroche


Sundae Bear

Webmaster & Digital Photos 

Rheal Desrochers