Red River Half-Breed Association.

Kenny’s Open Letter Page 1

Red River Half-Breed Indians

917-357 Kennedy,

Winnipeg, Manitoba,

R3B 3B9

Freedom of choice as is known that the Half-breeds of Red River Settlement 1870 as those of today, have the right to choose to be either Indian (First Nation) or European, of their ethnic background. As those who have the right to be either of their parents ethnic group - example- if a child has a German father and a Polish mother, then that child has the right of choice to be German or Polish, and cannot be denied their choice. The same goes for the Half-Breeds of Red River Settlement 1870 and their descendents today.

Those who choose to be Indian of Half-Breed Indian stock have also outstanding Land Claims and are not signed under the Indian Act. They who have not signed any Treaty with Canada and the United States have yet to be in negotiations to sign to extinguish of Indian Title to. The Assinoboine of Red River Settlement yet to sign has outstanding Land Entitlements still pending. Also pending are the remaining Half-breed Lands from Section 31 of the Manitoba Act that were illegally sold by Government. Also known as the Half-Breed Reserve by Governments. Let it be known that Reserve Lands cannot be sold, yet Municipal, Provincial and Federal

Governments still engage in selling (which is a violation) of Half-Breed Indian Land set aside in Section 31 of the Manitoba Act. Breakage of their own laws is not good government and is not 'equality' as described under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada.

If democracy is not followed or respected by governments who create it, it is not good government. Then it trickles down to the populace and then fuels rebellion.

1)    He was my Ancestor Antoine Morin and others who had Signatories the Half-breed hunting rights Document sent to Alexander Christie, Governor Of Red River Settlement in 1845 August 29 that predates 1870 Manitoba Act.

2)    He was my Ancestor Antoine Morin who added to a fair degree of family who worked the Hudson Bay Service 1830, 1853.

3)    He was my Ancestor Antoine Morin who worked as Interpreter for the Post Master 1852, 1853.

1)    He was my Ancestor Antoine Morin who led and fed (Sunday Sept 20 1857) Capt John Palliser by way of the Buffalo and to find a Route through the West.

2)    He was my Ancestor Antoine Morin who gave his name for Morin Lake, Morin Creek and Morin Lake trading post.

3)    He was my Ancestor Antoine Morin who was described as a Plains Hunter as his occupation 21 July 1877 by his widowed wife.

4)    He was my Ancestor Antoine Morin who carried the Assinoboine Indian Blood, (aka) the Stony of Red River Settlement.

5)    He was my Ancestor Joseph Morin who interpreted for Major Walsh when the Great Chief Sitting Bull entered the North West Territories. And several times when The Great Chief started camping at Wood Mountain.

6)    He was my Ancestor Joseph Morin who interpreted at the Riel trial, for Chief One Arrow at Regina 13 Aug 1885

7)    I am a descendent of him and wear this name proudly, as a true descendent of Half-breed Indians of Red River Settlement, I fallow in his footprints as Leader, Captain, and Chief of the Red River Half-breed Indians.

8)    Having at this present moment a strong belief, that we natives of this Country, and as Half-breeds, have the right to hunt furs in the Hudson’s Bay Company’s Territories, now know as Province of Manitoba.

9)    Section 31 of the Manitoba Act clearly shows that we have out standing land entitlements yet to be delivered.

The Manitoba Metis Federation doesn’t speak for all Metis or Half-Breeds in the Province. As you know, there is, The Metis Nation of Manitoba, also the Union National of Metis of St Joseph. With Respect the Manitoba Metis

Federation should change there name to Metis, Half-Breed Federation if they claim to speak for the English-Protestant Half-Breed families or French-Catholic Metis families.  The different with us, Is that we are the

Red River Half-Breed Indians, which are not under the Indian Act. We have a Chief and Council. We are talking about the Half-Breed Indians of Red River Settlement. Captain and Chief of the Red River Half-breed Indians Kenny Morin

Opinions of the British and Foreign Press:

After Riel was hung, newspapers in Britain, Europe, and the United States expressed a wide variety of strong opinions. On December 4, 1885, the Globe newspaper in Toronto published the following opinions under the title, "Opinions of the British and Foreign Press."


One Paris newspaper claimed, "A mere hint from England would have saved Riel's life." Another paper accused England of being "heartless for not interfering with the hanging and stated "England has given another proof of her contempt for France." It described England's lack of action as a "slap in the face."


One newspaper reported that the hanging of Riel was "a wholesome Reminder that treason is still a crime," while another paper stated "carrying out of the extreme sentence of the law was both unwise and unnecessary."


A British newspaper published a report from Italy which said that the Hanging would "create a very unfavourable impression in Italy."

The United States:

Many newspapers published strong opinions about Riel.

The Chicago Current called the hanging of Riel "a colossal

Government blunder."

The New York Independent stated, "His execution must be regarded as unwise if not unjust. The Government has always scorned their petitions and their bills of rights; and two rebellions have been the result."

The Rochester Post-Express said "when these aggrieved Half-breeds returned Riel to the Parliament at Ottawa, the latter was forced to leave his seat to gain a hearing by violence and murder. The people of America cannot help but to sympathize with Riel."

Meanwhile, the Albany Argus observed "there has been too much sympathy in some of the newspapers on this side of the border over the fate of this man."

The Boston Record stated, "The world will not suffer by the loss of the fanatical leader of the Half-breeds."

The Philadelphia Inquirer came up with the best statement, an accurate prediction: "The ghost of Louis Riel will haunt Canadian statesmen for many a day."

Kenny response NCI Definition of a Metis 

Hi Frank, as I was saying today on your radio show "Talking Circle", I am a Half-Breed. Metis was a word that my mother said I was. But a definition sought; well it's easy for me to say that I am Metis for political correctness. I know that I am a Half-Breed described by the Queen under Section 31 of the Manitoba Act. If government wants to fool around with us then I am an Indian, which has not signed any treaty, and I am not under the Indian Act.

The Crown land that is out there is our homelands, which we have, rights to. I am a descendant of the Red River Settlement. In 1831 my ancestor Antoine Morin was allotted land, lot numbers 372 and 373 under the Hudson's Bay Company land tenures, 86 acres in the Parish of St. Norbert.

The Hudson's Bay Company land tenure ran from 1812 to July 15, 1870. Lot 726 of St. Boniface Parish belonged to Jean Baptiste Morin, another ancestor, and then the Roman Catholic Mission got the land on February 21, 1873. My ancestors' lot number changed from Lot 726 of St. Boniface to lot 76 later owned by the RC mission, which leased the land for 200 years from February 21, 1873. Lot 76 was made up of many old lots belonging to the half-breed, making 340.36 acres.

Many of the Half-Breed families in that area lost their land to the church or it was transferred to the church, this land in particular lies at the end of Tache by the river side which is now built up by the city. If you go to my web page you will find more information

The Half-Breeds were created right here in Canada - this is our homeland that we share with First Nations. Kenny Morin Captain and President of the

Red River Half-Breed Association Inc.

Brian Pallister

When you talk about work for welfare keep this in mind.

If you’re a descendent of Captain John Palliser of 1857 who was searching for a route through the west. It was my Ancestor Joseph Morin,

(September 21st) One of two of the best Buffalo hunters in Red River Settlement who fed your family by way of the buffalo. Then we share our connection of that time period. I must say that if the Government of Canada, Government of Manitoba would deliver on the Queens promise through Section 31 of the Manitoba Act some of the Aboriginals would be off the assistance roll, which lives in Manitoba.

Also if both Governments would deliver on Section 13 of the Natural Recourses Transfer Agreement December 14th 1929. Get Government to deliver on that agreement also not to forget Section 31 of the Manitoba Act. Really the only ones who should be here are the Indians and the Half-breed Indians. The European who are here where only visitors in Indian country. It’s just that they never went back home to Europe where they came from.

Greetings my friends: as a descendent of class 3 in which Lieutenant Governor Alexander Morris spoke of and also on behalf of the Red River Half-Breed Indians. What do you purpose to do in regards to the landless, Half-Breeds in deprivation of their lands. Under Section 31 of the Manitoba

Act. 2nd Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba 1873-1877 Alexander Morris wrote, The Half-Breeds in the territories are of three classes—

1st, those who, as at St.Laurent, near Prince Albert, the Quč Appelle Lakes and Edmonton, have their farms and homes:

2nd, those who entirely identified with the Indians, living with them, and speaking their language:

3rd, those who do not farm, but live after the habits of the Indians, by pursuit of the buffalo and the chase.

In 1876 I reported my views regarding the Half-Breeds, about this third class of population in the Northwest whose position I desire to bring under the notice of the Privy Council. I refer to the wondering Half-Breeds of the Plains, who are chiefly of French descent and a few Scotch descent live the life of the Indians, but there is a large class of Metis who live by the hunt of the buffalo, and have no settled homes. I think that a census of the numbers of these should be procured, and while not be disposed to recommend their being brought under treaties,

I would suggest that land should be assigned to them, and that on their settling down, if after an examination into their circumstance should be given them to enable them to enter upon agricultural operations.

Governor-General of Canada 1877 Rt Hon Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis of Dufferin (aka) His Excellency the Earl of Dufferin FAREWELL DEJEUNER IN THE CITY HALL (Winnipeg September 1877) SPOKE OF THE HALF-BREEDS

The Half-Breeds there is no doubt that a great deal of the good feeling thus subsisting between the red men and ourselves is due to the influence and interposition of that invaluable class of men the Half-Breed settlers and pioneers of Manitoba. In fact they have done for the colony what otherwise would have been left unaccomplished, and have introduced between the white population and the red man a traditional feeling of amity and friendship which but for them it might have been impossible to establish.(more) in " GREAT " SPEECH delivered by the MARQUIS OF DUFFERIN AND AVA.

Land Speculators                                                                                         

Numerous Advertisements in the Manitoba Daily Free Press 1877 described by the advertises like A. W. Burrows, Real Estate Agent, and His Company called THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Established in 1873 buy and selling sections and river front lands, Scrip and Half-Breed Reserve allotments. Let it be known they you cannot sell Reserve Land yet Federal. Provincial, and Municipal Governments still engage in selling our Half-Breed Reserve, (which is a violation) set aside by the Queen under Section 31 of the Manitoba Act.

Another speculator J. M. Macgregor Free Press Office.  The company THE ORTHODOX Half-Breed Lands ASSIGNMENT now ready and for sale by J. M. Macgregor all manner of forms of Power of Attorney for Half-Breed lands and Scrip on hand. Half-Breed Indian Treaty Section 31 of the Manitoba Act - One Million Four Hundred Thousand Acres of land. Land held in trust by the Government for the Half-Breeds who where considered Indians before 1870 and after of the Red River Settlement. Kenny Morin Chief of the Red River Half-Breeds / Captain of the Red River Half-Breeds


No Court of Queens Bench, Manitoba Judge wants to hear the Metis case or judge on the Metis case brought on by the Manitoba Metis Federation. Regarding the Long Outstanding land entitlements under Section 31 of The Manitoba Act. Because these Manitoba Judges they are to afraid of retaliation from the Government of Manitoba, Government of Canada or from even both. They know, these Court of Queens Bench Judges that they can be replaced from there Judicial positions and would like to avoid being lowered to a parking meter-man or commissionaire. I believe, this is the reason Associate Chief Justice Jeffrey Oliphant granted the Federal and Provincial Governments an adjournment. That is not Democracy, its Dictatorship. Enslavement for these Manitoba Judges. From the evidence that is available out there, the Government with mud on their face knows full well that the Half-Breeds will win this case. Will any Court of Queens Bench Judge out there in Manitoba prove me wrong and over turn Associate Chief Justice Jeffrey Oliphants Adjournment and hear the case.

Let’s hear the facts of this Half-Breed case. Then judge accordingly to the facts that unfold. Remove the gag before your mouth and let Democracy prevail, or will this stay a cowardly act. Kenny Morin Chief of the Red River Half-Breeds/Captain of the Red River Half-Breeds  


Subject: comment from red river half-breed assoc/leader on Metis trial

From: Kenny Morin Cc: Date: 14 Jan 2002 15:10:34 -0800

Admittance of Guilt for Government if Court of Queens Bench Judge Jeffrey Oliphant does not proceed with the Metis Trial in May 13 2002. Then we and the World will know that the Government of Canada, Government of Manitoba are Guilty as charged. In the Long Outstanding Land Claims dispute between Government and the Half-Breeds. After numerous broken promises since 1870, Section 31 of the Manitoba Act can never be deleted. If it were, then there would not be a Manitoba. This will be a Multi-Billion-Dollar Settlement for Metis and Half-Breeds. This is what Government does not want to live up to. Plus Verdict Guilty. If the Trial doesn’t proceed then there is no Democracy or true Justice in Canada. Signed Kenny Morin

Chief/Captain, Red River Half-Breed Association, Thank You.

Subject: land in question/comment

From red river half-breed leader Kenny Morin

Date: 9 Feb 2002 02:19:45

The Metis and Half-Breed Indians claim that their People were Cheated out of Prime and the best plus most valuable pieces of Manitoba: Land that was Promised to them in 1870 Section 31 of the Manitoba Act when the Provisional Government Lead by Metis Leader Louis Riel negotiated Manitoba 's entry into Confederation: Land that includes the City of Winnipeg and Strips along Both Sides of the Assinoboine River to

Portage La Prairie and Both Sides of the Red River from Selkirk to Emerson at the U.S. Border. My web page

Subject: open letter to your Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second of England  From: Kenny Morin Cc: 

Date: 9  Feb 2002 23:16:10 -0800 

Your Majesty it was your Family in 1870 that promised the Half-Breeds of Red River Settlement their One Million Four Hundred Thousand Acres of Land.

For Manitoba to become part of Canada and to the Commonwealth. Since you are the Executive of Canada. It would be up to you to deliver on the Promises that Your Family was part of and Order the Government of Canada immediately to deliver your families Promise to the Half-Breeds. After One Hundred and Thirty Years and Numerous delays. if you believe in Democracy and Grace of God. You will agree that the Long Standing Promise of your family be Honoured and Deliver to the Half-Breeds of Red River Settlement. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Signed Kenny Morin Red River Half-Breed Association. My e-mail is

Subject:  Canada guilty of stealing Metis and half-breed lands

From: Kenny Morin

Feb 2002 01:35:22 PST   Date: 09 Feb 2002 01:35:22

PST X-Mailer: Web Mail  

A Court Case launched by Manitoba Metis Community to Settle Long-Outstanding Land Claims against the Federal and Provincial Government has been delayed. The Case was supposed to go to Trial in May 2002. However, Court of Queens Bench Associate Chief Justice Jeffrey Oliphant has granted the Federal and Provincial Government an Adjournment. In a Written Decision Released Feb 7th 2002 Oliphant said the case is complex and further work on both sides is needed before the matter is ready for trial. After 130 years Canada and the Province of Manitoba should be ready, they are Guilty as charged,