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----- Original Message -----
From: "DANMAN1"
To: Me
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 7:14 AM

> Hello. Happy New Year, My name is Daniel. I read your profile and would like to get to know you and possibly start a friendship and who knows. Perhaps we can chat on line to get to know each other. My instant messenger address is Can you send me a recent picture? I will be happy to send you one of me. My Email address is I'm here at the airport on my laptop and the screen doesn't show your picture clearly; it appears as film negative. I just buried my mother last week and realized I had no where to go for the holidays so I came here to Hawaii. Now I’m waiting for a plane home.

I guess I should tell you something about myself. I'm a young entrepreneur. I have five companies, a courier/delivery service, an office support/communications company, WWW.AAAOFFICE.COM, a medical transcription company that is based in New York and a direct mail order company we market female lingerie and my newest acquisition is a Limousine serv!
> ice. We have one white 2003 Lincoln stretch limo that seats 12. I’m really looking forward to having a lot fun with this new project. The Courier Company based in Los Angeles and have offices in San Diego serves the entire state of California. The Office Support/communications and mail order Companies have corporate office in Pasadena and Delaware and serve worldwide. The medical Transcription Company is a venture that I started in July 2000. Based in New York, we only have seven clients that are based in the New York Tri - State area. Eventually I would like it to be National with offices in all the major cities. I am presently in negotiations to purchase a para-legal service. I want to turn it into a full fledge Law Firm as soon as I can find a young reputable attorney to come on board as a equal partner. I don't quite know if I'm going to have any success with this venture but nothing ventured nothing gained. I hope to start an office in Hawaii. Please don't let this pa! > ragraph give you the impression that I am shallow, materialisti! > c and self-serving, I'm not. I do not tell you these things to impress you; this is just apart of me, who I am. I possess confidence however I am not a prideful person, but a humble one...Outgoing and personable as well as a multifaceted chameleon. I am rich in who I am, what I am to others, and the who I shall continue to become. I value people more than money or material things. Things can be replaced, people can't.

My job keeps me extremely busy, I had to take time away to enjoy the good life god gave me. I found my time monopolized in a perpetual cycle of deadlines, work, business, and money matters. I actually love deadlines, I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by ;)

One can easily forget the things in life that truly matter. Even if we know in our heart what truly matters, it doesn't really matter if we don't pursue it with just as much, if not more, energy, drive and determination as it is with our power and paper chase pursuit. It is my! > belief that it is not until one looks at him/herself in the mirror and realizes time is not on their side...values are then re-prioritized. It was never the money. When I started out it was fun; I wanted to build something from nothing, the money was added bonus. Now it is more work than fun. All the money in the world can’t buy happiness or love. Albert Einstein once said “Try NOT to become a man of success but rather try to become a Man of Value That is my new goal. To become a man of value for people. If we remove all from our material world, the gift of life and love are the most precious of all.

I have been divorced for about 10 years, during which time I have been in two long-term relationships. My last relationship ended three years ago. The three years alone have been very good for me. I have been able to do much reflecting and healing. I have, just in the last six months, felt like I might be ready to pursue a stable relationship. I enjoy my work and I enj! > oy laughing and being with positive people. I am adventurous sp!
> irit, love to travel and explore. When life is without adventures and events, it is very boring and it is not interesting to live. When life is

interesting and exciting you have a desire to live, to create and to


The dichotomy of my life is evident in my ability to be thought provoking at times while in contrast my ability to be a spontaneous blast of fresh air...go where the wind takes me. Enjoy and cherish the moment because that’s all it lasts. A spontaneous thrill seeker, I LOVE sky diving, scuba diving, bunny jumping, par sailing, jet and skiing. What is the use if living on the edge when you can just jump off it? I work out six days a week, play Football, basketball and a little golf to keep fit when I can. I like horseback riding, snow moiling in Lake Tahoe in the winter months. I enjoy hiking, In fact, a long time fantasy of mine would be to hike in Yellowstone Park and spend cozy warm nights with my mate in a log cabin far away from any signs o!
> f civilization.

My most important adventure now is creating a loving, monogamous relationship (Don't have anyone at present). I love passion & romance. Love a small word for such a complex emotion. There is no simple explanation for it, because love is made up of many things. It cannot be measured because it is a feeling. Love does not happen by wishing; it must occur naturally. True love is not an instantaneous emotion, but something that grows slowly between two people, maturing with time.

Once love has reach maturity, there is no stronger or more beautiful bond between two people. Although spectacular, Love must not be taken for granted it must be nurtured with romance. Romance, requires constant rededication and must be prepared and consistently put into practice. If you adore the one you love, romance comes naturally and is not perceived as a chore but a strong desire from within to give and express your love to your mate. I like to treat a lady like a lad!
> y should be treated and pamper her. I have always wanted to do ! > this for my lady, If my mate is working and she has a long stressful day and I get the chance to get home before she does. I will have a glass of Champaign and her favorite perfume candles lit in every room. I will have rose pedals streaming through the house leading to the bathtub and the bedroom. A hot bubble bath full of bubbles & rose peddles awaiting her. When she arrives home I will greet her with a nice soft kiss, and a cool glass of Champaign. I will slowly undress her, lift her up in my arms and sit her gently into her soothing warm bath. Bath her gently, softly wash away her stresses of the day, then let her sit back and relax in her bubbles while I go and prepare her favorite meal. I will feed her favorite meal to her while she is relaxing in the tub. After her bath I will lift her up wrap her in a large plush body towel fresh out of the dryer with scent of my cologne witch would be her favorite men’s cologne sprayed on the towel. , I will take her in my arms ag!
> ain and carry her to the bedroom, softly dry her off, oil her body down as I’m giving her a deep penetrating massage from head to toe (depending on her energy level the message might turn erotic). After she has fallen asleep from the message (not the erotic message at this point) I will gently tuck her under the covers and watch over her as she sleeps. Nothing makes me happier than to do something that has brought joy to my mate, to know that I made a difference in her day, her life. To ensure her that Our love is the song that never ends, the flower that blossoms over & over again. What ever I can do to uplift her. A great lover is not a man who in his lifetime has made love to a lot of women once or twice; but rather a man who can make great love to ONE WOMAN for a lifetime.

I like relaxing on the beach at sunset with couple of lobsters, smoked salmon, fruit & cheese in front of a warm fire after a long day. That is my stress relief. Looking at the sunset saying g! > ood bye to another day as we welcome the night, joyfully say he! > llo to the full moon and stars. Taking long walks on the beach arm in arm across the sand with the water gently kissing our feet. Watching the moon's reflections glow and dance off the ocean. We make wishes about our love, engaging in deep insightful conversations, discovering each other's inner being, who each other really are, who we are, and most importantly what will we become to each other. Dreaming the dreams we've both kept hidden. Daring to love and spin new dreams together. Dancing to the music of the waves cresting upon the shore, the ocean spray misting on our faces with the gentleness of a feather. The lone cry of a seagull, the pop pops of the crackling fire, becoming intoxicated by the beauty of my mate under the lovely light of the full moon and twinkling stars.

The ocean soothes my soul; it takes my breath away on one hand and relaxes me on the other. I'm amazed at the energy and it's perpetual life. I love the rhythm waves. Last year I temporarily! > rented an apt. on the beach for about year. I walked the beach each morning at sunrise, it was great. The sunrise, the ocean, me, God, and my thoughts. I was going everyday, it was 6 miles round trip. Coming home to the sunset, walking unto the beach , saying good bye to the sun as it sets, Its warmth, like the arms of GOD wrapping around me and washes away all the hassles of the day. It's GOD’S message to me that everything is ok and to keep on going. Another one of my favorite pastimes is driving up and down the California Coast with the top down on a bright Sunday afternoon; exploring antiques shops.....Never know what treasures I might find. I like fine dining; experiencing the taste of the town. Taking a carriage ride to a cultural museum after dinner. I love concerts, plays, I have been somewhat of a fixture at the comedy clubs lately; I feel laughter is music from the soul. I love to laugh it rejuvenates my prospective on life.

I'm not looking to fall in love im! > mediately

I'm not looking to fall in love immediately, but I!
> do want to be IN-LOVE. I want to find a special SOMEONE, That someone who changes your life just by being part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop; Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. I don't believe that we must be the perfect couple nor have everything in common. I think it is vital in any relationship you remain two separate entities who has joined as one with a common goal. New interests and challenges in a relationship can be quite exciting. I am open to new ideas, cultures, and way of life.

The beauty of a strong relationship is carefully sculptured over time. So many times I have found that one wants to rush into being in love when neither the time nor attention has even been given to allow one another to be friends, to learn of one another and develop a mutual respect and chemistry. Two people must not deny!
> each other the time it takes to become as one. I am not in a hurry to rush what I hope to be everlasting. Its only a fast way to destroying what could have been otherwise a wonderful thing. In an age of war, uncertainty, infidelity, increasing divorce and deadly sexually transmitted diseases we need to form stronger and more lasting bonds of love. Few of us have been fortunate enough to experience moments in love where all boundaries dissolve and we become one with our beloved and all of their existence. Two people need to take the opportunity to get to know each other, gaining the others’ respect, experience things together, explore each other, relate to each other's thoughts, ways of life, culture, habits, etc., To become comfortable with one another, sharing confidences knowing that they will be understood and held in trust. I would like to get to know a strong woman. A woman who knows that her strength is weakened by attitudes that suggest that she doesn't need a !
> mate. A woman who can recognize a real man, a good man. A wom! > an, who is most of all a LADY. A lady, who is proud, respects herself and others. A lady who is aware of who she is and doesn't seek definition from her mate or anyone else. One who is quite capable of articulating her needs and does not expect her mate to read her mind. A woman who is hopeful and strong enough to make all her dreams come true. She knows love therefore she gives love. She Knows that her love has great value and must be reciprocated and never allow it to be taken for granted for we men so often do :-( . A woman who is willing to inspire her mate to reach his potential and have the endurance to stand by his side while he reaches for and accomplishes his goals. This is most important; A woman, who knows her past and does not live in fear of the future because of her past, understands her present and forges toward the future. She understands that her life experiences are merely lessons meant to bring her closer to self-knowledge and unconditional self-love. ! > She knows the world is her playground. A woman who understands that we have our different strengths and weaknesses and utilized them so that we may complement each other, like interlocking puzzle pieces that come together to make one image.

As you can tell I'm a deep thinker. I have always asked the bigger questions in life even before I had the maturity level to be able to handle the answers, but I guess I was capable or I wouldn't have been able to think to that degree of depth. I think too much. I think greatly on the history of man, his basic instincts and the meaning of life and true happiness. Maturity in a man comes not from chronological age, but rather from his mental state of being. A man becomes a man when he has taken the time to get to know himself. To understand not only who he is but also, what he represents and where he is going in life. I'm very fortunate to have taken that inward journey at such an early age. I love my life and I am an extrem! > ely happy man; not because of my financial status but because I! > know who I am and I am very happy being me. Most people are so caught up into the material shallow world that they do not realize what life is really about. They spend their entire lives looking for something outside of themselves to please them and for the ultimate reward when it is within them the entire time. I am fortunate enough to know this.

Happiness is a choice that I made for my life. I have drunk from the well of bitter waters many times. I've have seen so much horror, pain, suffering and unhappiness. Not just in combat but in regular people's everyday life. I occasionally experience dissatisfaction, disappointment and sadness has it is apart of life but at the end of each day I can say I'm happy. I never really have bad days I just have minor or a few major inconveniences. Life can be difficult, in the beginning at birth life is a random crapshoot. We are not given the choice to whom, where or what period we are born. For most people, they do becom! > e a true victim of circumstance from the day of their birth. For the more fortunate of us our life is a dynamic self-adjusting and self-directing mechanism. I believe in most cases with true knowledge and determination we can transform ourselves to whatever we want to be. I know it is hard but many people don't know how to be happy. After a person learns the true basics of life, happiness is a simple choice. The question is not what is the meaning of life, the correct question is what gives your life meaning, and only you have the answer. A person has to meet him or herself first. They have to find out whom they are how they feel about things in life. It may take a while but if a person searches inside him or herself and keep asking what gives their life meaning they will find it. My motto find a way or make one INTEGRITY, the price of GREATNESS is responsibility. Enough about me, I want to know you, to learn about you. I am looking forward to your response and pictur! > e. May I email you again?

The night has a thousand ey! > es,

And the day but one;

Yet the light of the bright world dies

With the dying sun

The mind has a thousand eyes,

And the heart but one;

Yet the light of a whole life dies

When love is done.



5-11 230 lbs,




NICE DRESSER decribed as dapper




May I put you on my joke list? My two brothers occasionally send me jokes and I forward them to my friends. Most of the jokes are quite funny.

-----My Reply-----
You've sent this same exact email, minus the Happy New Year, to me before. LOL I'm not interested. Hope you find Miss Right. « find your old friends >