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How could Allah create the world in 6 days if science has proved that the world and universe took millions of years to make?

Let us look at Noble Verse 7:54 "Your Guardian-Lord Is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then He established Himself on the Throne (of authority):  He draweth the night as a veil O'er the day, each seeking the other in rapid succession:  He created the sun, the moon, and the stars, (all) governed by laws under His command.  Is it not His to create and to govern?  Blessed be Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds !"  According to the Noble Quran, the initial stage of the Universe was created in six days.  But however, the Universe is not static.  It is dynamic and constantly changing and expanding.

Let us look at Noble Verse 51:47 "And the firmament, We constructed with power and skill and verily We are expanding it."  The Universe according to the Noble Quran will keep expanding and changing until the Day of Judgment.

Allah Almighty never gave any number for the Universe's age.  Muslims do not believe that humans for instance existed only 5,000 years ago and will die in year 2000 or 2059 as many Christians believe. 

Allah Almighty was very accurate in His claims in the Noble Quran.  For instance, science proved that the metal "iron" was not created from earthly material or reactions.  Iron was sent by burning stars traveling through space that had collided with earth !.  When those stars collided with earth and their melted metals cooled down and changed from liquid burned/melted metals to hard solid metals, they formed the metal of what we call today iron.

Let us look at Noble Verse 57:25 "We sent aforetime Our messengers with clear signs and sent down them the Book and the Balance (of right and wrong), that men may stand forth in justice; and We sent down iron, in which is (material for) Mighty war, as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help, unseen, Him and His messengers: For Allah is Full of strength, exalted in Might (And able to enforce His Will)."

For more details on how science and Allah Almighty's claims match, please visit:

Science in the Noble Quran.

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