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They said it...









 "Have I met all of you?? I know.. I know some of you were in Wolftales."

 "I was afraid they were going to pull my pants down."

 "Ahhhh, that feels good..." (after burning his tongue)

 "You brought go-go boots and not sandals?" (to Shelli in Cancun)

 "22...23...24...25...26...27...28...29...30.........31 busses"

 "You told me I was your favorite" (to Jay)

 "It's like an unstoppable train" (on their career)

 "I'm going to criticize myself but I'm not going to dwell on it."..."There's a difference between criticizing

  yourself and dwelling on your criticism." (to Jacob)

 "The engine even sounds like we're in Germany"     Trevor: "How does that sound man?"

 "I didn't like that question, sorry! ....BEEP!!" (mocking Erik)

 "I am Superman."

 "Guys...quiet, I have something important to say! (long pause)...Do I make you horny?!"

 "I'm pretty much sure I can't feel my legs." (after being picked for the final eight)

 "Tell me ladies, is the hair too wild?"

 "It was all about money, it was about greed and, and how horrible, how horrible." (about Ikaika)

 "These aren't like strong enough to like ride on yet are they?" (stroking the tiniest horse you could  


 "Two times the charm!" (about their second concert)

 "It was really weird. I woke up there was literally a camera in my face. I only had boxers on I was like,

  'Do I really wanna get out of bed in front of you?'"

 "I know my Dad loves me, but it doesn't seem like it when he won't support me."

 "What do you mean you hate me?" (To Shelli)

 "The crowd is like going wild and it's such a great thing to see that and to know that it's like me they're

  going wild over!!!"

"Do I look like I'm kidding? Do I look like I'm even kidding?" (With a battery up his nose)




"I came out here to become something. I'm not going to go back."

"Wait 'till you see Shelli....she's a tripper"

"Yeah I'm a big spender now....I bought her a ring for $25."

"Three weeks ago I was perfectly content with my life."

"I think they expected me to be running through the hallways like oh this house is so big, and there's a lake in the back yard and we got a boat."

"The next day comes around, he's sooo tired, he can't sing still, he was up 'til 7o'clock in the morning...[huge pause] you that was dumb." (About Erik in Germany)

"He's like family. We call him Big Poppa for a reason." (about Lou)

"Welcome to Georgia!"

Dan's Dad: "Did you bring enough underwear?"    Dan: "I brought a good supply."

"The motorized gates swing open and it's 'ohhhhhhhhhh' [in an opera voice]" (about Lou's mansion)

"I've never been out of the country, I'm not Mr. Moneybags! Dude I was scraping away!" (to Marc defending the fact he has no passport)

"I brought clothes at the store but I left the tags on, cause if this doesn't work out, they're going straight back to the store."

"I'm be the luckiest guy in the world, I really believe that... but I still have to work hard...cause even the luckiest guy need to work hard"

"She (Cindy) knew when she got into this relationship that at any moment my hat could drop and i'd be outta there. and guess what! I dropped my hat, and I was gone."

"You're going to the tongue doctor tomorrow, but, they can't cure everything..."(to Erik)

"It just happened so fast. Last time I had 2 weeks to brace myself after I found out. This time it's like PACK UP YOUR THINGS!"

"It's all about making someone smile."

"I don't think they realize how much this means to me."

"When you come into a new group, everyone has their own things that they laugh at, there are certain things they dislike, certain things that offend them."

"We're living in two apartments right now, a three-bedroom and a two-bedroom. Me, Jacob and Ashley are together and Trevor and Erik are right across the hall. it's just like Friends!" (on the band's living arrangements)

"If I came in on a different plan than everybody else, it's on national don't miss it!" (on why it wouldn't work to be in a divided group)




"We haven't had a best performance yet."

"I don't even know how to attempt to grab all that garbage...go around it...come at it...attack it." (about the rubbish in the house)

"I think the future can only be positive if we make it that way."

"I love this purple shirt... the color's me!"

"I'm gonna throw that towel out every time. That's gonna be my trademark, I don't care"

"He's like our Den Mother, he doesn't want to be but he is." (On Marc)

"I love my room mate...except for Mike."

"Jacob's the writer/producer, Ashley is the cute one, Trevor's the good dancer, Dan's all the motivator...where am I? I think...that's what I've been struggling with."

"All they see is the attitude."

"I know I'm not just here on talent."

"I wanna listen to Dan and Dan's making valid points but there's this 'nice' part of me that I can't really turn people away!" (about Germany)

"Ikaika's range is incredible...but my range ain't that bad either though!"

"No. I am not going to get up. I am tired. Let me sleep a little."

"I'm gonna kill you." (To Dan when he tries to wake him up)

"We were watching our weight for the show and Ashley kept smuggling Kit Kats into our room at night. I'd catch him eating in the closet!" (talking about Ashley)

"The only person who will make this work is me and I do not want to be the anchor that is holding us down from becoming something great. And I know I can do it cuz I've done it before. It's just a matter of putting things first."

"Flower shirt, flower shirt...I'm wearing a flower shirt!" (singing)

"Because he's Jacob Underwood, that's why!" (when asked why Jacob got up and left in the middle of a meeting)

"The last time we went along with what someone said look at what happened!"

"Dude, I don't understand it. I would love to have that car but I don't, not in cream." (On cream BMWs in Germany)

"I'm not a big person on going out all the time but I seem to do it at all the wrong times."

"We're recording today with Tony Harrison. He's the man behind (singing) more...and more...and more.. duh dih duh duh duh duh dih dih"




"I have way better balls then you!"

"You wanna go there?!"

"You're words mean nothing to me."

"Who am I? You don't even know my name."

"We'll tell you when to sing, we'll tell you how to sing, we'll tell you how to dance, we're getting people to show you how to dance, what to dance, what to wear, what to look like." (complaining to Marc about Trans-Con)

"You know what, I think I'm gonna make my own band."

"I know we're gonna fight, and then we'll make up and it'll be sweet sweet loving!"

"Although we didn't earn it, we have to prove that we've got the right to be here"

"It's soo easy to give that guy a hard time!" (about Jay)

""2000? That's a big crowd?"

"I have never been more content with my life."

"Are you saying we choked?" (after the showcase)

"I wanna be like Michael Jackson, forever"

"Lets see who can open their mouths the longest... Ahhhhh..." (on Lou's speeding boat)

"We're in the ghetto."

"Settle? I hate settling."

"I cannot trust my career in your hands." (to Ikaika)

"Jay it is nice."(when Jay says look your house is clean)

"He's 21 years old and he's letting his daddy and his brother tell him what to do"

"I'm such a professional, I'm such a professional..." (imitating Erik)

"In the last episode of 'Making the Band' I fell out of my chair."

"When I make a mistake, I dwell on it." "I will not let it happen again."

"Ikaika's telling us that we don't know anything about fitness. Like he does."

"Dan doesn't have an ego like Erik which is something I absolutely dispise"

"I had to cuss you out just to get you out of bed!" (to Erik)

 "I didn't think you could sing anyway!" (Erik asked if Jacob really thought he could sing after just being forced out of bed)

"Hey Ikaika? What's your brother's phone number? I need to ask you a few questions"




"I think I will go to the club with Erik. Maybe tomorrow I will be in bed naked with a naked girl!"

"Life long dreams are hard to come by."

"I'm Erik Estrada, too cool for that"

"I look like a girl"

"I'd like you all to meet my girlfriend......uuuhhhh...i dont have one."

"There might a million guys at home saying that I'm 10 times better than this guy....and they're probably right. That's why I have to step back each day and be thankful for being put here."

"I want to give my parents so much, because they've given me so much and they don't have much."

"Sitting on that couch, waiting, just to know your life is gonna change by that one person calling your name once."

"Just listen to the song." (when his family was telling him to dance) 

"There's no reason any reason at all why you should have got up and left!"

"An apple a day keeps Jay's nagging away!"

"Ikaika was great, but Dan's supposed to be here"

"We just gotta find out how to work together. It just takes time."

"Jacob was like pow! This is how it's gonna work. This is what we're going to do and he just produced the vocals for that song (You Bring Me Under) and I was just like "You do the show," cause I know that if anyone could do it, it'll be him."

"I'm Jacob Underwood! I'm better then everybody else!!"

"That girl from Titanic is!!! The old lady"

(Jokingly) "I usually do about 600 of these, but you guys can do 10."(to Ikaika)

"Lou walked in with these record executives and it was like...DUN DUN DUN!"

"You're the king of blowing things out of proportion" (to Dan)

"Oh by the way sometimes at night my arm swings down like this, that would be once in a while."

"It's not a club, it's a bar. There's a difference."

"Crew lock is a group of people doing a lock together. Like hitting a pose. Not all hitting the same pose. All hitting different poses to make it look like a big... crew... lock."




"Sunglasses, and I didn't even bring 'em." (Shelli to Cindy)

"You're telling me you can't put four plates and a couple of dishes into the dishwasher overnight between five grown men?" (Jay)

"We work hard, we play hard!!!" (Lou)

"Huh. Fancy that." (Mark after Dan turns up at the vocal session and he wasn't informed)

"Why would I call you!" (Jay to Haku)

"They're troopers!!!" (Lou)

(singing while doing the dishes) "Tell me why... I live with a bunch of slobs" (to BSB show me the meaning of being lonely)  (Ikaika)

"Gimmie a hug...we're like....roomies!" (Shelli to Cindy)

The music industry will chew you up and spit you out alive. When I see you on TV, I'm gonna turn it off." (Ashley's stepfather)

"He's [Jacob] not interested in getting it close, he's interested in getting it perfect." (Marc)

"My dreams and goals were to marry you and have kids with you and I hold you responsible for not letting me be with you and like I mean I always wanted to be a mom and marry you and start my own family." (Shelli to Ashley)

Cindy: "Oh my gosh, it's so nice out here!" Shelli: "Oh my God, it's so hot, I'm gonna die!!"

"You guys think you are the bomb already cuz you got the gig...we aint got nothin' on 'NSync or the Backstreet Boys." (Raymond)

To Trevor) "Do you trust me to do my job? Then don't question it." (Jay)

"Well let's just put it this way, you better have a record contract tomorrow. You guys better not screwup, I've got it all set up." (Lou)

"He's feelin' it feelin' it feelin' it." (Tony Harrison)

"You don't know the full story" (Haku)

"Here's a dollar for you, and a dollar for you. Now don't all spend it in one place." (Marc)

You'll never see me get mad, but now I'm mad." (Tyjuan)

"I have never been here before, it's so exciting. I see PAALLLMMM trees!" (Shelli)

(when asked what he thinks about BSB and N'sync) "Well, I actually used to have a thing against them...but I got used to the music" (Ikaika)

"The family has recalled Ikaika!" (Haku)

"What! I AIN'T WHITE TRASH" (to his friend back in Hawaii) (Ikaika)

"Hey look your house is clean." (Jay to Jacob)

"He's just out of High School, she's into college, Ashley's no where NEAR being about to talk about those things!" (Cindy)

"You're not a star my friend, your a lab rat." ( Marc to Jacob)

"Your like not the same person anymore. I mean it's not bad but you're not." (Shelli to Ashley)

"Are you too good for your home?!?! GO HOME!!!" (Paul)

"... If I was Dan and just saw that , I would be on the next plane outta here!" (Mark)

"If it comes to choosing the band or my girlfriend, I'm going to choose my girl." (Ikaika)

"How perfect is that- A rock star named 'Ashley Angel!'" (The judge in the O-Town auditions)

"What doesn't give me the right to beat the CRAP OUT OF YOU" (Ikaika)

"Do I want money? Like he's my surgar daddy or something" (Cindy)

"Must we call them go go boots?" (Shelli)

"Some space? That was the stupidest thing you've ever said. We have like 3,000 miles between us want some more space? The go over seas." (Shelli)

"I blame you for not making my dreams comes true and all I do is sit around and wait for my boyfriend to call and days go by and I still haven't heard from you." (Shelli to Ashley)

"I would never stand in the way of something he's been of his whole life." (Cindy)
