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Take 5, Please!

Hey people welcome to Take 5 please.My name is Tiffany and I have taken over this site.I'll try my best to make this site look as awesome as possible.Okay enough about me and my boring welcome speech,have fun checking out the site!!!~Tiff

UPDATES 12/25/01

HEY!!!Merry Christmas!!!Sorry it took so long for me to update but alot has been going on.Im well aware of the break up of the guys and Ive decided to keep this page up as a little tribute site.Im currently thinking up a new layout.Got any ideas?Im going to upadte more.Anybody fans of No Authority or Five,because im currently working on tribute sites to them and i need helpers.If so send a email to Tiffany.

UPDATES 9/4/01
Sorry I havent updated anything in a long time because Ive been busy.I recently heard T5 broke up but I honestly dont know if its true.Lots of people keep saying its not but oh well.Ive also decided to take a short break on this site because im getting ready to start my Freshman year in high school on Thursday.I need to do alittle adjusting to my schedule.This break will also give me more time to work on my other sites.The break wont be long.Its might be a few weeks,but as soon as I return I'll try to make a cooler site with more stuff.Oh yeah watch the video music awards on Sept 6.It should be pretty cool.Im hoping Nsync come out on top and Britney keeps her clothes on this year.

UPDATES 8/12/01
Okay sorry I havent updated anything since I got this site.I was on vacation so it kinda made things harder.Now that im back im currently working on some fanfiction.My first story should be up in a few days hopefully.Im also looking for some fanfics to host.Besides that I have no other updates.

UPDATES 7/11/01
I've officially given this site away to Tiffany. She will do a fine job of carrying the Take 5 site on. It's been fun, but I've gotta move on. I'll miss you guys, all the e-mails and such. Take care and Take 5!

UPDATES 7/9/01
Hi everyone. I wonder if anyone comes here anymore. I may be talking to myself and I don't even know it. [Damn counter!] I'm thinking about giving this site away to a dedicated fan. Like, if you wanted to, you could adopt this site, give it your own look, and continue to update it because personally I'm not very good at keeping up with Take 5. They're too "behind-the-scenes". So, if you're interested in taking this site into your own hands, e-mail me, we'll talk about it. Because, well, I'm about to start another site and this one just isn't working for me anymore.

UPDATES 6/15/01
Hey guys I've got some stuff for you today - info on the new guy in Take 5! Thanks to Jenna, we can now know the news. His name is Ryan Christopher [kinda a combo of Ryan and T.J. haha...ha.] Anyway he's supposed to be joining the guys for their tour this month, so if you have tickets, you will get a first glimpse! He will be recording with the guys on the next cd. Isn't it a relief to finally know?

Wait! A quick question! Any NO AUTHORITY fans out there?

UPDATES 6/14/01
Hello, no I am not dead contrary to popular belief. I have spoke with some people from Popstar! magazine, and they are going to put the link for this site in the September issue. Cool beans. Let's see if they do. I reccomend you buy that magazine anyway, it's always got all the goods. [And no I am not being paid to say that in any way!] I have seen pictures of Take 5 as a foursome. They'll survive, and I can't wait to see this new member everyone is talking about. I bet he's really good...I suppose we'll find out soon enough. Anyway, I wish I could come up with a better layout. I don't really have a program to make good graphics or layouts. Been lookin' for Paint Shop Pro 7 though [all you website people know what I mean!] I just hope I don't have to pay a lot for it. But if I do get it, this site, and the other I want to start, will look better. I've been itching to re-vamp this site anyway. Well, being the insomniac that I am [it's 1:10 a.m.], I guess I'll be on for awhile. E-Mail me with gossip please. I'll be sure to write you back. Good night, morning, whatever...

UPDATES 5/26/01
I got sick of the whole mint ice cream layout...changed it to all bluish. I like it...anyone heard anything new or interesting about Take 5? I haven't! If you have, mail me!

UPDATES 5/12/01
Word on the "street" is that Take 5 has found a well this is just a rumor but I sure get a kick out of it and I thought you would it true? Wish I knew!

UPDATES 4/22/01
If you pick up the newest Pop Star! magazine (Britney's on the cover), there's some stuff about our boys in there. Not a lot, but oh well.

UPDATES 4/20/01
Finally! I've received my first fan fiction! Thanks to Melissa, the section now serves a purpose! (Heh.) Well, she's just sent me the first chapter but you should take a look anyways. Buh-bye.

UPDATES 4/14/01
Hey guess what! I've found some info about Stevie getting arrested...check it out by clicking here. There's a picture of him...he ain't lookin' too good, girls. Leaving the band was obviously a big mistake. Well, that's my opinion...but you know this wouldn't have happened if he just sticked with it. Whew, I knew I was right with Tilky as my favorite from the beginning!

UPDATES 4/14/01
Man how long has my counter been screwed up? A few months now. I have heard about Take 5 - I heard from a fan that Stevie's been arrested?! All I can think is "Bad boys bad boys, whatcha gonna do..."

UPDATES 3/18/01
Hey. Nothing seems to ever be going on with our hotties. It sux, I know. Amidst huge school projects, social events and downright weird boyfriends, I haven't had much time to scrounge for info. I hope something happens...sigh...I'm waiting...

UPDATES 2/7/01
I'm sorry you guys, about the lack of updates. I've gotta be honest - there is just not a lot of stuff going on with Take 5, at least not to my knowledge. The page will remain as is until something happens.

UPDATES 1/22/01
Hello! Yes I'm still here! I added a 'lil FAQ section because some of the emails I get are the same questions. So check out the section before you ask, k? Have fun...but if you do have a question, ask away!

UPDATES 1/6/01
Got another goodbye message today. Also, have you checked out the quotes lately? I added some more. Well have fun messing around if you aren't back in school yet.

UPDATES 1/3/01
I NEED GOODBYE MESSAGES FOR STEVIE! Sorry, just wanted your attention! Please show ya care and tell him a little goodbye. So far I've gotten a whoppin' amount of...2. Two messages. Go look at 'em anyway...

UPDATES 12/30/00
I'm updating twice in a day - so not like me! But anyway...I just went net surfing and fell in love with some Take 5 sites, which I added in the links section. They deserve a visit. Oh I thought of an idea for a cute page - it's gonna be a "Goodbye Stevie" page. I want you to send in your goodbye, or good luck, messages in for Stevie, and I'll put them on the page. Sweet, eh? I guess I just can't wait until Valentine's day. Long way from now though. Well, g'night everyone.

UPDATES 12/30/00
Hey guys! Did you have a good Christmas? I hope so. I froze my butt off in Green Bay, but it was worth it. I picked up the latest issue of Seventeen - sexy Carson on the cover - and guess who was in it? Take 5. They have a small section about lyrics to boy band songs, and they are featured, along with *N Sync, BSB, 98 and others. I have faith in Take 5, so the site will stay running. I like what you guys are leaving in the guestbook, it's keeping me motivated. And the emails are nice too. Well guess I better get goin'...have a good new year, and if ya have/go to a party, I'd like to hear about it. Like what y'all did and stuff. It'll keeps things interesting around here! See ya in 2001!

UPDATES 12/21/00
Ok, I've gotten some pleas, and I've decided to keep the site running for a while longer. A big hug goes to everyone who emailed me. But anyways, on to some Take 5 news. Stevie is leaving the group to pursue a solo career. The group wanted him to stay, Also, the boys split from Trans-Con to avoid the problems *N Sync had (you know, the whole Lou Pearlman thing.) But lately Take 5 has been having problem getting gigs...that's weird eh? They can perform here in Arkansas any time they want! Heh! Anyways, thanks to Bryna for the info. Maybe there is still hope for the guys, but I guess we will just have to wait and see. And if I don't write again until then, have a Merry Christmas y'all. I hope Santa brings you nice things!

UPDATES 12/14/00
Well guys, I'm pondering the question of whether I should shut the site down or not. Due to lack of interaction by you guys and no news about Take 5, the site is suffering. Unless I get an overflow of emails begging me to leave the site up, it's gotta go. Thanks go out to those of you that did sign the guestbook and email me. It makes me feel like I'm not just talking to the wall on this site! This may be my last update. Got any comments? - talk to me.

UPDATES 11/28/00
Crap where does the time go? Bad news y'all - I've received several emails asking about Stevie leaving the group. Uh-oh, I don't like the sound of that at all...anyone know anything about it, like why he quit? I haven't heard it anywhere except for from a few fans. I hope our boys aren't falling apart. Let me know, until then, I'm scouring for info...ehh...and on top of all that, my counter is way screwed up. Where did my thousand-something visitors go!? I'm not having a good day!

UPDATES 10/31/00
Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you have a nice scary day. Today I added something not Take 5-ish, it's a link to a sweet site dedicated to those who support celeb couples. Clickie on the graphic of Brit and Justin to see it. Enjoy it, maybe you'll even join their clique? Also, a button of Stevie in the link me section, just in case you want to link me on to your site [*hack cough hint hint*]. Does anyone know of any good programs for making banners and buttons, graphics, etc? Cuz mine well are just downright pretty crappy!

UPDATES 10/27/00
Ooh I'm so happy! I've won my first award, please look at it, it's really cool. I got it from Take 5 Interactive. Thanks! I'm so proud. By the way, I'm thinking about working on a fiction, maybe it'll motivate you guys...? But I'm wanting for some stories to come in...hopefully they will. Oh well, all I can do is wait...bye-bye.

UPDATES 10/25/00
I've just added a fanfiction's pretty much empty, but for all you wanna-be writers, I suggest you check it out. You can find it on the left frame or just click here. I really want some stories and can't wait to read them. I don't know about you guys but I am getting soo sick of this layout! I've been wanting to change it forever...I just can't think of anything...oh well, it'll surely come to me soon enough. Back to the drawing board. Damn I haven't said that since like 5th By the way did you notice I've now had over 1,000 visitors? I can't believe my eyes! Thanks to you for making this site what it is. You guys are the best! Bye-Bye...

UPDATES 10/15/00
Okay, I've regained sanity after staying up late last night. Today I've added 7 de-lish pictures from the ym shoot. Check 'em out here. They are worth looking at. Enjoy.

UPDATES 10/15/00's the a.m. hours. I've been working my butt off...tonight, well actually this morning, I've added the lyrics to: Water, Can I Come Over, Girl Next Door, Saved The Best For Last, Missing An Angel, Do That, and Never Far Away. Now Take 5 Please has all the lyrics to the new album! I'm exhausted. For anyone who has done lyrics before, you know what the heck I'm talking about. I also just finished a lil site basically called "About" which contains info about the site and some simple HTML help. I'll try to get around to adding pictures from YM (they played models for a day, yUmMy!). Goodnight everyone. Wait! I want to ask everyone something. Should I start a Fiction page? I mean, would y'all send me in some fanfic? E-Mail me what you think or just leave it in the guestbook. I really need to know!I have church tomorrow, yikes...bye-bye.

UPDATES 10/9/00
Well ain't I evil! No updates for a month! Shame on me! :-D *heheh* But anyway, back to business. I've been busy with school. Well y'all, a new layout is upon us! Ok, so it's not much but will do until I can come up with something spiff-o-riffic! Anyways, I added the lyrics to "To Make You Love Me" today, thanks to Kerrie! Tomorrow I should have "Never In My Life" up. I'm also working on a page about this page...maybe to help all you I-wanna-make-a-website people. Okie? Bye!

UPDATES 9/20/00
New today: a looong interview from Check it out, its really interesting.

UPDATES 9/7/00
Today I added the lyrics to 'Perfect Sense' thanks to Jen! You helped me out girl!

UPDATES 9/4/00
Wow, almost 200 visitors! I'd like to thank you big time for coming to Take 5 Please. This site started out as a little thought and you guys are making it bigger than I imagined. Special thanks to Suey, Jen, and Francesca for signing my guestbook. That is way cool! Today I added 1 individual picture for each of the guys and three new group ones. I also added the lyrics to 'Bounce' and 'Hottie', so you might wanna check those out. They were tough to decipher but hey I got it done! Pass on the word!

UPDATES 9/1/00
Hey everyone! I hope you got your Take 5 cd on the 29th! If you didn't, shame! I'm a little busy with the school work, but I can guarantee a lot of new changes this weekend with the Labor Day holiday and all. Like I said, a new layout hopefully, and I'm working on the lyrics and maybe a something new for you big fans. Hang tight, everyone! It's all on the way!

UPDATES 8/22/00
Hey y'all! I'm really excited. A week from now is when Take 5's cd comes out. So be sure to check back with me soon, because there will be lots of new things happening around here, possibly a new layout! How exciting! Well, for me it is. I will see you in a week! Oh yeah, please spread the word of Take 5, Please! Buh-bye!

UPDATES 8/4/00
Sorry for the lack of updates! I haven't heard much about Take 5 lately. I'll make sure there will be more updates once their cd is released at the end of this month! August 29th. I'm so excited, I can't wait. Be sure to buy your copy, it's supposed to be really good. To read more about the cd, check out the articles section. That's all for now!

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