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*Joey Fatone*

This is where we keep the Joey Puppy Face! (LOOK LOOK LOOK! Isn't that just the cutest thing you ever SAW??? Okay needed to spaz for a second, but all better now... breathe in, breathe out...) He is the BEST puppy in the whole entire world to play with, cause he IS! He's just so sweet and lovable, it just makes up for anything else he could ever do bad! Needless to say, Joey Puppy doesn't get in trouble alot... :)

If Joey was a puppy, Joey would be a BIG dog, like a Doberman or a Husky or something, just a BIG, gentle dog, with the CUTEST PUPPY FACE! And trust us, Joey knows how to use his puppy face to get his way, just look at the "IDMC" video, he was definately working the puppy charm there.

But Joey is a horny puppy, so girls, if he starts sniffing up your skirt, saying that's the way puppies meet each other, DON'T TRUST HIM! :) But hey, that's the way we love Joey, and we wouldn't want him any other way. :)


Here is a list of questions not to EVER EVER EVER ask Joey, perchance you meet him on day;

Hey Joey? Nothing I was just trying to throw stuff in your mouth...

Hey Joey, can you show me ALL your superman stuff, I mean ALL OF IT?

Hey Joey, are you Italian? I couldn't tell...

Hey Joey, want some Jello?

Actually there's not much not to not ask Joey... He's pretty cool and would be loads of fun to talk to, but still he is BEST TO PLAY WITH! With such a great puppy right there with you, we say screw questions just PLAY WITH THE PUPPY! ;)


Joey Puppy has been claimed by Bri as her most favorite puppy in the entire pound!

All of you can still look and pet him as you please but this is just to let you know that Bri just wants him long enough to fuck his brains out, then you can have him back for, you know, like if you need him or anything...

Hey, she is almost identical to Joey Puppy and his taste, style, and personality in every single way just let her fuck him this once... Oh yeah, and she wants his PANTS! too... ;)


Okay, okay, okay, this isn't a Joey Puppy quote or anything but Bri found it on another *NSYNC Humor site and thought it was too funny (and APPROPRIATE!) a pick up line NOT to be put in right here :): "Excuse me? I've lost my puppy, I think he wandered into that cheap motel room across the street. Can you help me find him?" ;) We warned you that girls head is in *NSYNC's crotches... :)


And here's a little Shakespeare cause dammit we like Shakespeare and we think Joey might appreciate having some on his page! :)

"Doubt that the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt that I love."

-- Hamlet.

Okay so we know that Joey was in MacBeth and not Hamlet, but this is just such a pretty and romantic quote and hell, Bri even named her three mice after Shakespearian play characters (Ophelia, Portia, and Viola; no lie, hey they were little mice they needed to feel important and loved by having cool names!) so just deal with it! :)


Things We Associate With Joey

Joey's Tips on Dating
I'm SO CONFUSED! (Joey's part in the Court Case)
Hold the pickle...
Joey Thoughts
