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GASP! RULES! Oh dear me! NO!!! Yes I have rules. I kinda have to. So pay attention and listen carefully.

Rule 1-

No completely erotica stories, please. We don't know who's virgin eyes wander onto this page and I don't want to be responsable!

Rule 2-

Give me a rating. A rating is one like G, PG, PG-13, R, NC17, and so forth. Think MOVIES people.

Rule 3-

No over-excessive profanity. Too much ruins a story.

Rule 4-

You MUST clarify what genre your story is. Horror, Sci-Fi, Romance, Drama, Comedy, etc.

Rule 5-

Make sure you had fun writing what you submitted. If not, it shows in the story itself. Believe it or not. ;)

I know, I know. A MILLION rules. :) But they all are somewhat so important and I do look for the things listed above. Oh, and by the way, if you have a banner, SEND IT TO ME! I will NOT make one for you.

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