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Write From A Fan's Mind- BsB Fics

What up! YA'LL IM HOSTING SOME FANFICS AND ALSO WRITING MY OWN AND PLEASE COMMENT ON MY FANFICS AND OTHERS, BY EMAILING ME OR SIGNING MY GUEST BOOK. Oh Yeah, as I stupidly forgot to mention, I,ahem, need FANFICS from You guys!!! I NEED Your Help so bad! SO PLEASE EMAIL ME!! I'll read what you've got, just send me a summary,I'll read it,critique it and send my "findings" so HELP ME OUT!

Read my Dreambook! Dreambook Sign my Dreambook!

FanFics,Visual, WHATEVER, by me and Others

Caught-By ME (being written)
Indecent Exposures-- By ME (not yet written)
Happiness In A Bottle--By ME (n.y.w.)
--ShutterSpeed--by me (being written)

Hosted FicS

Forgotten Memories-Laura Rayle
Jamie Suede

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