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He's Bold, He's Beautiful, He's AJ McLean

Hey Every1 Its -- 3/17/00 im updating da page and i changed the NAME! KAY! Peace!

Backstreet Boyz....AJ is THE Most Beautiful man on God's EARTH!!

Oh and note to all peepz on dis site I AM NOT A FREAKIN' TEENYBOPPER!

!**~My BaNnER~**!

Note: SHout OUt 2 Mah People: Whut Up!! Sherrie, Jackie, Gill, Joselynne, Amanda,T.J., Milna!! Special Note: To Chris and Kyle----(who's glove i have hehe) Yous are cool i like people who make me laugh =)

AJ. Their's sooo much to say but...i just can't say it.

This a smaller version of a Millenium poster of AJ.

This a pic of AJ at a press conference. Damn, how gorgeous can he get!


Oh, and I'm kinda under construction 'til i Get my act 2gether so bear wit me.

In Case U Dont Know what this Means!! EMAIL ME!!!

He's Bold,He's Beautiful,He's AJ McLean *©XxMöÉîMåxX©*™
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!*My SiStAH SiTe*!

CoMiNg SooN!

News,Quotes,Credits/ThAnKs, DiS iz MeeH and Notes in the Margin a site totally adorned wit poetry (GOOD POETRY) by you guys and a thing here and there by me ;P So email me at this special addy: with your poetry.

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A Very Special THAnks to : Audrey and Zara GO to Their site it worth the while a guarantee it!