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Think you know all about me. Then your wrong. You must read this page to more
thing about me.
                                             MY PERSONAL DATA

I was born on October 6, 1989 at Mati, Davao Orriental but I grew up here in
My parents are Elsie and Junie Suaybaguio, and I have a sister named  Kindy .
My religion is a Roman Catholic.

                                        EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT

I studied at UCCP when I was in Kindergarten.
During my elementary years i transferred to different school. First i studied at
Fatima de Davao until grade two. When I was in grade three i studied at UIC until
grade five. When i reached grade six my parents decided that i should transfer  to
U.M which is my Alma mater.
Then now I'm a third year student of DCNHS. I belong to section SPA Gemilina.

                                 SO MUCH FOR MY PERSONAL "DATA"
                                 THIS ARE MY FAVORITE THINGS AND  
                                             THINGS THAT I LIKE

My favorite TV shows are C.S.I., Ripley's beleive it or not, PUNK, Cribs, Pimp
My Ride and The Apprentice.
My favorite movie is Lord of the Ring and Harry Potter and dont forget the
phenomenal blockbuster hit TITANIC and MATRIX. I also like Spider Man.
My favorite song is Eternal Flame and Where is the Love by my favorite singing
group which is the B.E.P
My favorite sport is basketball, chess and soccer (but i dont even know how to play
soccer and you it sucks.)
My favorite color is blue, cause for me blue means peace, peace of mind
My favorite cartoon characters are "The JUSTICE LEAGUE" especially marsianman
, Dexter, SpongeBob, Gouko from the Dragon Ball Z and last but not the least the
Spider-man and the X-men. I also like Powerpuff Girls. I almost for the Genie
Ryodan of Hunter X Hunter.
My favorite P.C game are StarCraft, Counterstrike and Ragnarok and M.U, but i also
like NBA LLIVE but the NBA LIVE doesnt like me. I dont know why.

About Me
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