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  1. Autonomy:

  2. Behavioral Bias:

  3. Cost Benefit Analysis:

  4. Ethical Leadership:

  5. Higher Order Needs:

  6. Law of Diminishing Returns:

  7. Meditation:

  8. Practice:

  9. Quick Fixes:

  10. Reseacrh:

  11. Theory:

  12. Tunnel Vision:

  13. Supportive Approach of Organizatuin Behavior:

  14. Unethical Manipulation of People:


Organizational Behavior in Perspective


Policy of giving employees some discretion and control over job related decisions.

Behavioral Bias:

Narrow viewpoint of some people that emphasizes satissfying employee experiences while overlooking the briader system of the organization in relation to all its publics.

Cost Benefit Analysis:

Determination of net effects of an action that has both positive and negative impacts (financial and other).

Ethical Leadership:

Recognition and use of guides such as social responsibility.

Higher Order Needs:

Need levels 3 to 5 on the Maslow hierachy of needs.

Law of Diminishing Returns:

Principle that a declining amount of extra outputs are received when more of a desirable input is added to an operating system.


Quiet, concentrated inner thought in order to rest the body physically and emotionally.


The conscious application of conceptual models and research results with the goal of improving indivdual and organizational performance.

Quick Fixes:

Sometimes leads managers to embrace the newest fad, toaddress the symptoms while neglecting underlying problems, or to fragment their efforts within the firm.


The process of gathering and interpreting relevant evidence that will either support a behavioral theory orhelp change it.


Explanations of how and why people think, feel, and act as they do.     

Tunnel Vision:

Narrow viewpoint of some people that empasizes satisfying employee experiences while overlooking the broader system of the organization in relation to all its publics.

Supportive Approach of Organizatuin Behavior:

Philosophy of working with people in ways that seek to satisfy their needs and develop their potential.

Unethical Manipulation of People:

Disregard for the basic dignity of the human being by learning and using organizational behavior    ideas without regard for human welfare.