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  • Sarah, Sheba and Flower - I never knew you but you were mom's precious angels. I'll meet you at the Bridge one day and we can run and play together.

  • A Very Special Tribute. from Mark and Dan:
    12/31/01: Many thousands of people cried when our friends at the Three Dog Bakery wrote and gave us this very sad news: "....on December 31st, New Year's Eve at approx. 3:15 in the afternoon, Sarah Jean had to leave us to join her sisters, Dottie and Gracie. She had been in decline for some time. Her last days were spent surrounded by all the things she loved and her final moments were in our arms, at home, with her long-time vet in attendance. Sarah was one month shy of turning 15. Her life was well-lived and she was truly worthy of her title, The Biscuit Queen. The three dogs certainly changed our lives. Thousands upon thousands of people were touched by their lives in some way. Over the years, their furry faces have peered out of packages, appeared in print and broadcast media and made literally millions of impressions, worldwide. They will live on through the bakeries, through each of you, through our whole-some treats, through The Gracie Foundation and in dozens of other ways. Losing our final founding sister has been difficult for all of us at Three Dog Bakery. Sarah Jean has joined her other Founding Sisters, Dottie and Gracie, at the Rainbow Bridge. It comforts us to know they are all together and will continue to inspire us. All of us now have three of the loudest, most boisterous, rowdiest endorsers of our treats and foods looking down on us."

    Sarah Jean, you will be missed by all of us!
    Give lots of slurpy kisses to Dottie and Gracie, who will be waiting for you at the Bridge.

  • 3/17/01: Mr. Reno, missed but never forgotten by all those who loved him.
  • 4/3/01: Sara's sweet kitty Noche passed away today after many years of being a loving friend. From Sara: How do you say good bye to a friend, Slowly, very slowly - The years seemed like they would never end - Quickly, so quickly
  • 4/10/01: Vandeleur's Buster, her dear 18 year old Basset/Beagle mix, "the most stubborn dog in the world" she lovingly says, passed over and went to the Bridge. From Vandeleur: "You went with dignity and in your own time." You will be dearly missed.
  • 4/12/01: Tess, you will be dearly missed by Karl and Karen, and all of your hunting buddies, who gave a last farewell to you today. Your life was a very long and happy one, but it was time for you to travel on. You know it was hard on Karl and Karen, and want them to know it was all right. This poem says it all. Just click on it and you'll see -

  • 5/10/01: The Bitner family lost their beloved deafie, Chaney. They are so very heartsick over the loss of Chaney, but know he is now safe and happy at the Bridge, waiting for the day he will be with his family once again.
  • 5/27/01: Spencer, a little tri-colored Shelti, was killed by a car while on his way to his new adopted home. Spencer was a very frightened little guy, but all that fear is gone now. He is at the Bridge where there is only happiness and love.
  • 5/28/01: Lori's Bayley, her dear sweet deaf aussie, who was rescued just 2 months ago, tragically died this morning. Lori says: "Hopefully she is running and playing in a happier peaceful place where she is not afraid and where she feels all the love that I have for her."
  • 6/4/01: Harriet's little Carrie passed away tonight after a hard fought battle. She tried her very best to recover, with the loving help of Harriet and the prayers of all her friends. Carrie is past suffering and is happy now, and will have some really big kisses for Harriet when she sees her again.
  • 1990-2001: Christine's sweet Nana traveled to the Rainbow Bridge, where she will happy and well. Nana will be greatly missed by her family, and the members of the Crazy Pet Gang Club. Pretty Nana can be seen at
  • 8/23/01: Hercules, the beautiful Great Dane. You are at peace now - not scared any more. Waiting to greet Cheryl and Charlie and letting them know you love them and are grateful to them for trying to help.
  • 8/31/01: Brave little Braveheart crossed over to the Bridge today, after a hard fought battle. He didn't suffer and romped happily over to see all his friends at the Rainbow Bridge. He will be missed by Stefanie, Ice and Li, and will be waiting for his family and will give them lots of doggy kisses when they arrive.
  • 9/2/01: Sweet Miss Scarlet, Susan's African Grey Parrot, went to the Bridge today. She was Susan's baby and she will miss her very much. We will all say a prayer for Miss Scarlet and imaging her flying and soaring over all the furbabies at the Bridge, waiting to land on Susan's shoulder one day.
  • 10/3/01: Hope crossed over the Rainbow bridge tonight. Her little body just couldn't take any more. Sometimes God knows best. At least she didn't die alone or unloved, I only hope she could sense how much we all cared for her. I'm sure she is now at the bridge licking the face of someone who is waiting for their own furbaby to meet them, while she waits for those who loved her. "Jalyn"
  • 11/5/01: Pat's Tommy went to the bridge this day. Tommy will be missed but Pat knows he will be waiting for her at the Bridge, waiting for those kisses and hugs.
  • 11/26/01: Mary's Rosie traveled to the Bridge today. Mary, she is whole and healthy, happily waiting for you to join her one day. I'm sure Tommy is right by her side.
  • 11/30/01: Speedy lost her fight today. The beautiful brave little girl will be greatly missed by Donna and Chuck. I know all those who went to the Bridge before her will be waiting to greet her and she will be waiting to see you again with her tail wagging. All of us at the Crazy Pet Gang Club will miss Speedy very much.
  • 12/5 & 12/10/01: Sweet Toby left our world to go to a better one. Toby waited at the Bridge for his sweet Shashoni, who followed him soon after. Cheryl will miss them so very much, but knows they are happy and safe. She knows from reading "THE JOURNEY," that "... When the time comes, and the road curves ahead to a place we cannot see, we give one final gift and let them run on ahead - young and whole once more. 'Godspeed, good friend,' we say, until our journey comes full circle and our paths cross again."
  • 4/17/02: Roo, mostly Shepherd, deaf from birth and having only one really good eye, at 13 years, crossed over to the Bridge. Roo took with her toys and snacks to see her on her way. Jim Armstrong and Roo's buddy, Harley, had these words for their beloved friend, until they meet again:
    Bye, bye Roo, you good dog you.
    With your eyes of china blue,
    There never was a dog as dutiful as you.

  • 5/17/02: Ella Fontaine, as Sara fondly called her, the "Gereatric Dane" and forever foster, died tonight from "Bloat," and made her journey to the Bridge. It happened so quickly that despite being rushed to the vet ER, it was too late. Sara and her family remember sweet Ella as "a beautful loving creature, a love of a Great Dane, a massive mushy faced dog, who stole everyone's heart who met her-There wasn't a person she didn't love, not a boo boo toy she wouldn't carry around like her baby. She was here, and in a moment's notice gone - We had her 9 months - her owners took her to Chicago Animal Control to be PTS - they talked them into signing her over then called me - We had no doubt when we saw her, that she would be coming home with us. I have no regrets, just a broken heart. Ella, Mama loves you - rest my love....til we meet again."
    "He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge"
    (Psalm 91:4)

    Ella died from that terrible condition known as "Bloat." Please read about it and familiarize yourself with it so you know it's terrible consequences.

  • 5/21/02: Buchi, the survivor cat 1985-2002: Dayle and her husband sadly tell us that their 17 yr. old wonder tabby, Buchi, went to the Bridge after kidney failure. They told her their goodbyes, and sent her on her way to meet her sheltie brother, Misty. Dayle says "She survived many moves, 4 dogs, falling down stairs, and a rattlesnake bite, but she could not fight any longer. My husband had her since she was born (in their old Toyota). I miss that furball... she was a very special, very smart, very loving cat. Buchi, we'll miss your big eyes begging for tuna every time the can opener was used; miss you pawing at Dad's glass so you could stick your face in it and lick the ice; miss your very loud and loving purrs that could be heard over the phone; miss you jumping into Dad's chair two seconds after he got out of it; miss you whapping the water bowl just to make sure there was something in it; miss you following me around in the morning just so I wouldn't forget to give you my leftover cereal milk; and miss the very cute way you slept with your paw over your face. Take care, sweetie. We'll see you at the Bridge." Safe Journey Sweet Buchi. Iknow there are fields of catnip waiting for you.
  • 12/24/02: Rone, Jo Ann's sweet adopted 10 year old deaf border collie, died of pancreatic cancer tonight. Rone was only with Jo Ann and her family a short time but was loved more in that short time than if he had been there his whole life. Rone came to them recovering from heartworm treatment, neutering and losing 15 teeth. Jo Ann says Rone had known enough pain in his lifetime and didn't want him to have any more - he's now playing happily at the Bridge. "He died in my arms with his family present and knowing that he MATTERED and was loved with a love that had/has no boundaries. Please, everyone, hold your dogs close to your heart tonight in memory of a gentle soul that has left us."

  • Go to "Next" for More Special Ones Who Have Their Wings
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