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Something to Read

Ok, First things first, my name is Ryan, and I'm Canadian, eh? So yay for me! I live in a happy family with both parents and 3 siblings, one of each. Did you catch that one? It's funnier to hear it than read it. I actually have 3 bros, just in case you're wondering. A happy litte family in a happy little house with crappy little appliances that keep breaking. So this is my site I suppose. Pretty shabby. Oh well, no big deal. As of right now, I'm learning HTML, and It's pretty easy so far. Then again, I've only got the basics covered, and even then I need help here and there.

I'm a "hardcore" gamer, Nintendo born and raised, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Go Cube! Not that I really have anything against Sony, but I really hate that damn X-Box. And Windows. I swear as soon as I get a job and some cash, I'm gettin' a Mac.
As far as my musical interests go, I'm mostly a rock n' roll fan, but I like to indulge in metal, punk, and a very limited amount of pop every once in a while. In my eyes, Queen is the best band that ever has been and ever will be.

My television favorites consist of either TMNT series, Kirby, Friends, and almost everything on Teletoon after 10pm. Unlike most people these days, I'm not a big anime fan, but I do like Rockman EXE, and Ultimate Muscle. I've watched a few anime movies that I liked, including Fatal Fury, Street Fighter(2, Alpha), and Transformers. Speaking of movies, my favorites are every Star Wars, TMNT, Indiana Jones, and James Bond movie, plus some random comedies to spice things up. I don't see why everyone loves the Lord of the Rings. It's not so great. And while we're on not so great, The Perfect Storm sucked. What kind of movie kills off every single hero after having at least an hour of no plot and so-so acting? A crappy movie, that's what. So very crappy. Even TRON was better.

Considering what you've just read, you probably have the impression that I'm some loser who never leaves the house and will never amount to anything and still acts like a kid. Well, you're mostly right, except for I do leave the house. Just not as much in winter. I like outdoors, it's all fresh-airy and stuff. I love to bike and rollerblade. Someday I'll go pro. Just watch me. I also like camping. What's better than sleeping in a tent and playing with fire in the middle of a heavily-wooded area? Not much. I used to like swimming, but my interest in the activity has all but disappeared. I also do quite a bit of weight lifting, but you wouldn't be able to tell by my skinny girly arms. Sports are all well and good, but I don't like the competitiveness associated with them, that and I suck at sports. Not to mention that if I played a "rough" sport, I would get killed. So I'm sticking to golf.

Well, I've pretty much covered everything about me. Really, I am a rather simple person. I guess I should say something about my personality. I like to make people laugh, and I've got a pretty good sarcasitc wit. Doodling is the only thing I really pay attention to in school, yet somehow i'm getting 80's. Wierd, no? I'm mostly pretty quiet, unless you're talking about something I'm interested in, otherwise I'll just listen and try to make a joke when it's convenient. Ruling the world is an ambiton I'd like to follow, but seeing as everyone who tries fails, I guess I'll have to be famous some other way. Another of my so-called "passions" is acting. I really like to act, even though I've got a bit of the stage fright. The only problem is the fact that look-wise, I'm better suited for radio.

So that's about it. Now you can say you know me. Ther'll be a test on this information next class. Bye bye!

Look! It's me!

Email: mr_hotshot64v2@hotmail.com