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-BlueClear-s'-- '66FaaastBaaack

~*~Old Yellow ~*~

I remember her so well,
yellow, as a ray of sunshine.
whispered out to me, "hell-o",
I had to make her mine.

oops, sorry was daydreamin'
now back to the car.

She was a '66 Mustang Fastback, two+two,
with an engine sooo big.
How fast she'd go, I never had a clue,
til I got pulled over by that,,,,cop.

She was a beauty for sure,
was the envy of the guys.
And they had no cure,
they're dream was still in the sky.

I had her for a while,
and I took it kinda slow.
Didn't want it to end in a pile,
for all to soon, I let her go.

As I look back to what I had than,
and wishin' I had her now.
I know what I had back when,
Now yearnin', to have her back somehow.

We don't know what we'd be missin'
when we let go of a dreamstar.
I'd love for you to be kissin',
Me!, in that old yellow car.

Penned by -BlueClear-
for only "You" Mr.Gadget,
I will Love You 4 Ever!! *smile*
Car image updated 2005, Thanks Kevin

Song For Your Enjoyment

~~~My Old Yellow Car~~~
Dan Seals


July 8th, 2000

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